CA verified PAID acct w/ CRA not me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by motiv8ed, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. motiv8ed

    motiv8ed Active Member

    Ok, I know I have a violation here. And I need some help. Not sure what my next plan of action should be.

    The thing is. This isa PAID COLLECTION ACCOUNT I'm dealing with. Not sure what my next step should be.

  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    who did you send what?
  3. motiv8ed

    motiv8ed Active Member

    I sent the CA that had it listed a validation letter. It was paid by the bankwhen I closed on my house. Because it was showing up on my credit. So it's paid and I want it off my credit report.

    So I sent them a validation letter on 9/2 got green card back. Disputedwith the CRA the next day. Spoke to EQ yesterday and they stated that the CA validated. And I still haven't gotten anything back from them.

    Faxed them and CRRR them a second letter yesterday stating they are in violation and need to DELETE the entry ASAP.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: CA verified PAID acct w/ CRA not me

    $1000 violation
  5. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: CA verified PAID acct w/ CRA not me

    You know, I've always wondered about our right to validate a paid debt. Do we really have it? If they don't have to notify us that we have the right to validate because its paid, on what grounds can we still ask for it?

    § 809. Validation of debts [15 USC 1692g]

    (a) Within five days after the initial communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt, a debt collector shall, unless the following information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid the debt, send the consumer a written notice containing --
  6. motiv8ed

    motiv8ed Active Member

    Re: Re: CA verified PAID acct w/ CRA not me

    But when you look at the situation. I didn't talk to them at all. My lender just took care of it since it was paid during closing. Since all accounts had to show paid before I could close.
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: CA verified PAID acct w/ CRA not me

    If they don't have to notify us that we have the right to validate because its paid, on what grounds can we still ask for it?
    Just because they don't have to notify me doesn't mean that I don't have the right to dispute it.
    On the grounds that you made payment in error is one reason.

    THE END ** *** ** LB 59

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