Come to think of it; why could I not buy my own non performing account, collect from myself and then clear the CRA. BUWAWAAHAHAHAHA
Doc, First off, I really intended my post to be a "joke" but thinking about it more and reading your post leads me to this one... I agree with you 95%....the other 5% of me takes another approach.... A few years ago, I was probably on one of those bad paper lists (as most people on this board were/are)...Until I found this board, I was clueless with regards to credit and credit management...I'll put a blanket statement over most of the 3000+ members on this board and say the same for them (something that is reaffirmed at least once a week by new members)... A lot of good people run away from debts because they are scared...they don't know how to deal with the multitude of phone calls from OCs and CAs (morning, noon, and night), so they run and hide (hell, I did it...they should never have given me caller ID)...but at a certain level, we all want to do the right thing...maybe I'm naive, but I would like to think that most "normal" people (not the career credit criminals) do not get CC's with the intention of NOT paying the balances.. So let's say that I'm one of those people, I don't know about this board (so no CandD, no Validation, nothing) and I owe $5000 on a CC that has been closed for 3 years..I get harassed by ABC Coll. Agency every day...constantly being asked when am I going to send in THEIR $5000, or THEIR $3500 to settle/pay in full (only if I do it by next Thursday)...and what do I get in return, a "paid collection" notation on my CR and 7 more years of suffering...Oh yeah, I'm jumping all over that deal... Same scenario, but this time, the CreditNet Consumer Advocates (I just copyrighted that!) calls me up and says "Mr. Hurricane, we want to help you get rid of this debt. If you can pay 10% of the original balance within 30 days, we will consider this debt paid in full and we will delete this notation from your CRs, so that you can get on with your life"...Now that is my kind of deal... Now I don't dream that scenario 2 will ever happen, all these CAs are in business to make money...and they will squeeze as much out of you as they can...but it's always nice to dream. Personal Story --- Back in college, I worked for Household Recovery Services (YES, I was a debt collector -- very ironic, since I was drowning in debt at the time)...I remember one case where I set up a 3 month payment plan for a customer (this was a 4 yr old account). He wasn't trying to hide, he just didn't have all the money - and everyone else that he talked to wouldn't work with him at all. My supervisor was upset with me because she didn't think he "deserved" that much time...I guess her $hit didn't stink either Anyone for a chorus of Kumbaya?
Guys, you should not click on that link. They can look to see where the traffic is coming from. Copy and paste the link into a new browser window to visit.
Good point breeze I'm still reading posts over there. I'm starting to get bored with it, I should go to bed
I'm with Pat too, I thought there would be a lot of USFULL stuff on there but alas. I've asked a few questions. When I get the answers I'll post.
I am glad I decided to post the link. I debated about it for a couple days. I did not want it to turn against us. Hope the info is credable.
I'm glad you did post it, its really insightful... All the stuff westcap probably knows(does he post anymore??)
I asked one of the "experts" on that board if there were any other discussion boards on this. He said he didn't know of any.
As my wise old grandpa used to say: "Cindy, keep you friends close, and keep your enemies closer." Got this one bookmarked for further reading, thanks creditnetter.
Icame from a different browser And you wonder why we have issues with a collector? a clip from their board... Author MS Date: XXX plus one month I have a chiropractor giving me contract accounts from 93,94,95 etc. Is there a statue of limitations on his accounts? Same author, Date:XXX Are you looking for a mentor? Are you an experienced entrepeneur willing to share your time, advice, and motivational tips? If so join business mentors LOL
OMG..IS that Bill Bauer? Is that Bill Bauer posting on how a debt collector's job is hard and unfair, and that there are sites dedicated to tripping them up and making their lives miserable, and how its hard to be a debt collector because of people who are trying to escape paying their debts, and how its unfair to try and trap the debt collector????? Doesnt he have a website dedicated to doing just that?!
Doc, That is true about people not caring about their debt... I can vouche for that I thought once I made those credit mistakes (during those college years) they were there for life and a house was not obtainable at all.... I was not educated about credit at all .... But if you explain to people what can be done and that their situation is not hopeless.....someone can make a lot of $$$ and feel good about what they are doing.
Gr8, The FAQ will show you how to navigate through this "threaded" discussion board. Please click here for the answer In particular the second paragraph. There are loads of other interesting items to learn there as well, feel free to scroll around the entire FAQ. -peace, Dave