CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED Hi all. I sent a letter to the collection agency regarding a charge off and they will not accept it. What do you do in that event?
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED Do you mean that they get the letter but will not sign the 'postcard' or they refuse it altogether? Is it being sent to a PO box? If sent to a regular address, they try something like Fedex or UPS. They might be less suspicious of these types of mail and you still get the 'proof' they received the letter.
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED They refused it all together. And no it isnt a PO Box it is the regular address.
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED The post office has something that is relatively new - proof of delivery. Look for the lime green label in the Post Office. It has a number on it that is entered into the PO computer. When it is delivered, they enter the delivery date. You can follow it on your computer. Send one letter certified mail, RR. Then a second regular mail with the proof of delivery. If they ignore you and your RR mail, you have that showing that they refused delivery but you also have your proof of delivery. Not perfect, but pretty good.
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED FEDEX OR UPS 2nd DAY AIR IT...print neatly with a black marker "PAYMENT IN FULL" They MAY bite!!!
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED LOL George that's great!! I am sure they will bite that one. Just make sure you check the "signature required" box...sometimes FedEx will just leave it with front desk if that is not checked. Also they may just ask the name or the person and not actually get a signature if not checked. -Peace, Dave
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED They may bite? Yes, they just might do that. Especially if you had to take them to court in which case they would surely claim that you had used an entrapment scheme on them. They would likely win the argument if not the entire case. Again, folks, never tell a lie. It can come back to bite you later. There is another little situation I'd like to get some feedback on. We have seen many posts here on creditnet over the past several months talking about the credit bureaus sending people a letter demanding to know if they were using a credit repair firm and if so did the consumer wish to file charges on them and asking a bunch of yada yada questions about their experiences. Obviously this ploy is an outright attempt to intimidate. I think it is also a violation or attempted violation of one's constitutional right to freely contract for whatever lawful purpose. And yes, that obviously leaves the door open to arguments about whether credit repair firms are or are not legal. I'll head that one off at the pass with the simple legal tenant which says that any activity which is not specifically defined as being illegal is legal. Credit repair is controlled by a plethoria of laws, but it has not been outlawed as a practice. So any such discussion would be a sidebar to the main question above. Is it a violation or attempt to violate one's constitutional right to contract? I think that it is. What sayeth the forum?
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED BB- I don't see anything wrong with writing payment in full. They know what is in that envelope, and are not accepting it. Therefore, I shall assume they are unable to validate it. I WILL send it the way George suggested. It is better then paying someone 40.00 a month to do it for me.
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED Even if you don't write anything on the outside, a FedEx envelope will more likely be opened compared with a CRR letter. Then there is no lie. -Peace, Dave (Just curious, has anyone here EVER refused a FedEx package??)
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED PAYMENT SOUNDS BETTER...GO FOR IT... They may say nothing for less than $1.00...
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED they are free with my account. That is what I will do then, however I will not "write" payment in full. I have a stamp that says payment, I will stamp it with that. Mybe I won't do it for a penny, maybe 2 cents, I am giving them my two cents. LOL
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED I could see sending a money order for a penny after they prove the debt to be yours just for the sake of being a smart-ass. But wouldn't sending in any amount of payment for a debt you are disputing be considered an admission of liability? -Om
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED Om I completely NOT send any money. Just send the letter you want them to read in a FedEx envelope (sig required) and see if they open it, no words outside, no money inside. If they refuse that, then you'll have to try something else. -Peace, Dave
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED I guess you are right. I will try fed ex first. The closest fed ex place is 25 minutes YUCK
Re: CA WON'T SIGN FOR RRR CERTIFIED MY POST OFFICE has a FEDEX box...(POST OFFICE closer than 25 minutes)???