calling debt collectors

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cap1sucks, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Many people want to call debt collectors for a wide variety of reasons. Many boards recommend that one never call a debt collector from their home or cell phones but say that we should go to a pay phone to make the call.

    Pay phones are slowly disappearing in many areas and are not as plentiful as they used to be. It is also inconvenient to leave home to make such calls and especially so in inclement weather. Some say we can use caller I.D. blocking but some debt collectors have software that can detect the incoming number even with blocking in place.

    VOIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol is fast becoming the phone service of preference for many households. It is cheaper and the sound quality can equal or exceed that of regular phone service. Vonage and other VOIP providers give unlimited long distance calling to almost anywhere. Vonage gives unlimited calling to all of the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and 5 other foreign countries. It also offers all the features that you pay extra for when you use a regular phone company such as one of the Bell companies.

    Vonage also has this little jewel
    [​IMG] which plugs into the USB port on any computer. It is a 256 megabyte thumb drive that has all the needed software on it so it don't put anything on the host computer. A screen pops up and lets you dial and talk using the computer's speaker and microphone. It has a jack that lets you plug in a headset too so you don't have to use the computer's speaker and mike if you want to do so.
    The little thumbdrive costs $40 and is available at many computer stores such as CompUSA or Circuit City.

    The Vonage service costs about $28 a month by the time you pay all the taxes.

    One of the neat features is that you can keep your same telephone number or you can choose any area code you want. That way you can live in New York and have a Los Angeles area code making it look like you live in California.
    If you live in Alaska and have a relative who lives in Florida you can pick a Florida area code and they can call you just as though it were a local call. So there are other reasons to choose a false area code besides fooling debt collectors.

    Many people use SKYPE or other such VOIP services too. I've tried Skype and one other one but they just don't seem to work as well as Vonage and maybe some other VOIP providers.

    I'm not selling any of those service or really advocating any particular one. Vonage does have an affiliate marketing program and I suppose others do too but I am not an affiliate of any of them. In my opinion most affiliate programs on the Internet are nothing but scams anyway.

    But my point is not about VOIP or Vonage but rather only to point out that not only are some of them better and cheaper than regular phone service but if you want to make unlimited calls to anywhere, spend hours on conference calls for no extra money or conceal your whereabouts and phone number from debt collectors then such services as I have discussed here are an excellent way to do it.

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