FINALLY!!! It's time these stinking, greedy, fake-a** politicians vote for something that will save democracy in America. Taking the big corporations, lobbyists and Uber-Rich Americans OUT of the soft money picture will allow these politicians to do the job they were elected for. To all the right wingers (and leftys as well) who are ringing their hands over this as either unconstitutional or the taking away of civil rights (companies CAN still lobby, they just can't buy their way in now, so the jokers who think this is against our civil rights need to wake up) please worry about passing laws that HELP the average American get through life and not to give companies like Enron more money to pocket through sweetheart deals that make their execs richer and the workers and investors poorer... Thank you John McCain, Russell Feingold, Martin Meehan and Chris Shays for seeing this through...