Can a ca sue if.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tnobles, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Yep, it is a real summons.
  2. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

  3. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    I sent about 7 validation letters to this company on her behalf, but we do not know if one of these cover the debt in question. It does not match any amount listed on her report. Also I sent the requests AFTER she was served. The 7 I sent requests about ARE listed in her report.
  4. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Nope, no mini-miranda
  5. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    can't you ask the judge for an extension?

    get the extension to cover you until at least the 30 days is up...
  6. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Rats. That would've been another violation.

    I was just reading about overshadowing at It seemed like a demand for payment "now" overshadowed the consumers right to 30 days to request validation. I'd think a summons would have the same effect.

  7. patentatty

    patentatty Well-Known Member

    I'm not trying to give a definite opinion here either way but here are some thoughts:

    1) If I were the attorney for the CA, I'd argue that the legislative intent of the FDCPA was to protect consumers prior to the start of litigation. The consumer's rights after litigation has started are fully covered by the Due Process Clause. In effect, her trial IS her validation of the debt.

    2) I'm assuming that your friend is being sued in the lowest level court (general district court), these are often called "courts not of record". If I were in her situation, I would file a counterclaim, alleging the sun the moon and stars, asking for a high award for whatever violation you can come up. Then, I'd file a motion to remove the case to the next higher court (Circuit Court) where your friend will have the full benefits of the discovery process. I'd then file motions seeking to depose the OC, the CA, the CA's wife, kid, grandmother and dog. I'd file a very lengthy list of interrogatories. I'd file for a "subpoena duces tecum" which is basically the court ordering them to produce all of the documents you are asking for. Failure to do so will mean at the least, they could be held in contempt and at the best, they will choose to dismiss the case. If you want me to list more things that'll cause discovery to really really suck for the CA, I can, but that's a start.
  8. patentatty

    patentatty Well-Known Member

    Oh, and if she really owes the debt, at some point I'd offer 25 cents on the dollar to settle it once it hit the discovery phase.
  9. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

  10. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    thanx all for your help. I just got off of the phone with Justice court, she told me that she did not need to file an answer, just needed to show up Mon. The only thing that was documented on the suit was that the amount was 1) 151.01 for FGhospital 2) 388.65 for HClinic, Vickie (the girl being sued) said for at least one of the debts (the one for 2002) she had insurance. Can they sue for 2 different debs in the same suit????? I suppose they can, I am just grasping at straws.
  11. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Did you read BumbleBee's thread yet, your answers are there.

    I'm picking up my wounded frosh, then I'll search the link up for you.

    Your friend needs to respond to the deadlines of the court; usually an answer to the complaint is required, wasn't that within 20 days?

    Yes/No., whatever, when she appears she needs to tell the judge, and in the answer, that validation of the debt has been requested and not provided.

    In the answer is where you raise counter-claims and affirmative defenses.

    Has the 20-days come and gone, is this why you are concerned about a default judgement?

    It doesn't matter that you don't know what the amount due is, who the OC or CA is, underlying services and all the rest, nor what or how it's being reported -- that's the point of validation.

    You have to do both though and the Plaintiff, once you requested validation should have postponed, requested a continuance, until it was provided.

    Provide it before you get to court or provide it in court, either way.

  12. patentatty

    patentatty Well-Known Member

    If the CA is suing her, then they must have been SOLD the debt, as opposed to assigned. (Otherwise, they'd have no standing to bring the suit). One idea might be to call the billing dept of the hospital and see if they'll accept a payment directly. If so, then the debt has only been assigned to the CA, who therefore has NO standing to bring the suit in the first place.

    Assuming the bill has been properly sold, I see no reason why the CA couldn't sue for both amounts Vickie owes them in one action and then she needs to start thinking about attacking back as I described above. IMO.
  13. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Hey Sas, glad you are back!!! No I have not read BB's thread yet, I was just going through trying to answer some of the questions, plus I have been on the phone with the justice court and Vicki (the girl being sued) Justice court said she could just show up, but like you said, I thought an answer had to be filed to to make you're defense known. Like I said before, I have sent about 7 validation letters to this co. on her behalf, BUT I do not know if any of them covered these particular debts because the val. letters I sent were for what is being reported to the bureaus, but these amounts do not match any amounts on her credit report. So in essence, I do not know that validation has been requested on these particular debts.
  14. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    No they are suing on behalf of the oc's suppoesedly. I was thinking the same thing but I have seen the arguments go both ways, yes a ca can sue on behalf of the oc and no they can't, so I am not sure what to think.
  15. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Sas, my search is not working and I have gone through SEVERAL pages looking for that thread, no luck yet......
  16. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Thanks Waalian, that's the one!

    My search is reallyyyyyyyy slow to non-existant all day as well, I thought it was my computer, glad to know it's not.

    My favorite freshman and I had a communication malfunction so I've been sitting at the high school singing jingle bells waiting for her while she's at home waiting for me, LOL, gotta love that -- Anyway, I'm understanding your day, tnobles!

    I see what you are getting at now, not knowing whether a specific account has been validated, nodding. You'd think they'd provide the information for all that they intend to take to court, but then that means they'd be thinking ;-) . Could help you that they aren't, likely the judge will be just as confused trying to decipher accounts or my bet, they don't have the information to provide.

    Ok., Monday huh? Quick hoop jumping there! As long as she shows up, she'll be able to speak. You can put her together an outline -- it's small claims court and no matter, the judges are supposed to give benefit and guidance to non-attorneys assuring they get a fair day in court.

    If you haven't requested validation, request it from the court -- say she's attempted to get information and made requests, as you've relayed here but none of the numbers or information is matching up.

    I don't know, your honor, if it's mine or not mine, that is why I requested or am requesting validation.

    The judge will make them provide it, hopefully they won't provide it or won't be prepared. If you can give her a validation 101 prior to court (Kristy's a bang-up reading of the process) she'll know what she needs whether orally or in writing.

    If you did request validation and it's not been provided, there's a counter-claim for FDCPA violations in waiting.

    Don't forget that information has to come from the OC and through the CA to your friend and/or court -- it can't just be their computer records.

    I think they are just trying to ram-rod her into submission.

    Are they licensed, bonded? Does your state require it?

    Do your state laws go further in requiring information be provided when requested?

    What is the SOL for enforcement; are they pushing it?

    The important thing for your friend to remember is that what she knows or doesn't know or remembers isn't relevant, what they have on paper is!

    They've the burden of proof and the burden of establishing they have the right person and that she's obligated or owing them anything.

    That they are entitled to the money and not someone else.

    And to prove and account for every last penny they are alleging as well -- it reads like they're already having problems with that.

    Prove it or remove it (for credit reports)

    Prove it or dismiss it (for court rooms)

  18. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

  19. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Thanx Sas, I am going to give her a crash course this weekend, and I told her I would go with her (she is really nervous) I don't know much about court stuff, so I am doing the best I can to help her. I have printed things to take. The Wolman letter, the Mezines letter that WA provided earlier, the FDCPA. Should I be printing more stuff you think? Do you think I should highlight certain sections of the FDCPA? Thanx again everybody, I really appreciate it.

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