Can a Chapter 7 or 13 be removed.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brinasia, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. Brinasia

    Brinasia Well-Known Member

    I filed a Chapter 13 in February or 1998. I later changed it to a Chapter 7 in July 2001. When do they have to remove it? Is there anyway to have it removed now?
  2. RatRay

    RatRay Member

    Start by looking at the way it is reported. If there is an inaccuracy, dispute it.

    I did BK13 in 7/99. Didn't learn about credit repair until Nov 2003. I noticed that TU was listing the BK on my report under my BK atty's name. Disputed it as "I am not (BK atty)", and it came off.

    In looking at my BK paperwork online, I found a filing that had my case number on it, but was from someone else's BK13, with their names, SSN's, and a credit card account number. Printed copies, disputed with EQ and EX arguing that with theamount of someone else's info in this document, and it showing the case number they were listing for me, there had to be reporting errors. It came off both reports.

    My wife and I have been BK-free on all of our reports for about a year now. Good luck.
  3. Brinasia

    Brinasia Well-Known Member

    I checked my creidt report and everything is reported correctly. Is there anything else I can do ? Has it passed the time that they can report it?
  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    BK 7 filed in July 2001 --> Remains until July 2011
  5. tmeda

    tmeda Well-Known Member

    You can try to get the addresses removed associated with the bankruptcy.
  6. alexia

    alexia Member

    Re: Can a Chapter 7 or 13 be remove

    question I claimed bk in 2001 something happened with the courts and remained open until 2003. It's actually been 4 years but it's reporting as 2 is their anyway to get it removed now and if so where do I begin and how do i get the information that I need. I have the reports from my attorney but not the courts (are they different) any knowledge that you can give would be greatly appreciated

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