Can a credit bureau refuse to delete an account?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bertha57, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. bertha57

    bertha57 Member

    I'm a newbie. If you get a company to agree to delete an account, can the credit bureau refuse to do so? For example, I got a medical provider to agree to delete an account that had gone to UCB Collections due to a mistake. The medical provider agreed and notified TransUnion to delete the account. I even got a letter from TransUnion stating that they were deleting the account. However, I just got my latest TransUnion report and the account is still there! I don't understand what happened -- can anyone offer some advice? Thanks!
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Credit bureaus report what is reported to them by the information providers (creditors). If they can't verify a debt you dispute, then they are required to delete it as well. Is UCB still reporting the collection, or is the original creditor still reporting it?
  3. bertha57

    bertha57 Member

    I'm not sure who is reporting the debt. The original creditor sent me a letter saying they had contacted UCB and UCB had put in a request to delete the account. Is there a way to confirm who reported the debt -- the original creditor or the collection agency? Thanks much!

    P.S. If I contact TransUnion should I just dispute this debt as if it was the first time or should I complain that this was supposed to be removed 2 years ago?
  4. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    The best way is to pull your credit reports and see who is listed as the information provider. If both are reporting, you should see both of their names and addresses listed separately for the same debt.

    And if you contact TransUnion again, I would show them all the documentation you received from them stating that the account would be deleted. That will certainly help your cause.

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