Has anyone ever dealt with The Associates Mortgage company? My husband's mortgage was bought by these people and they held payments so that on his credit report it shows that we were LATE (60 days 1 time, 30 days, 2 times) I have the cleared checks that show us as NOT being late, the checks were just held. The ONE THING that I would NEVER in a bazillion years, be late on is our mortgage!!!!! I would rather have my children go hungry rather than be late on a mortgage! We did finally re-finance with Countrywide and when we explained our situation to the loan officer she did say that she has had more people come to her office because of these theives and had the same problem. So she at least understood that we were probably never late. And since having the mortgage with CW we have NEVER once been late. It still disturbs me that on H's credit it is showing that we didn't make payments on time. Is there ANY way to get this taken care of? We tried calling, writing, certified mail, everything, nothing helps. Granted CountryWide knows that we are great cusomters and has approved us for another mortgage for when we move, but it still bothers me that this is on here. H and I didn't have the best credit when we met and seeing as I used to be a Credit Collector I wanted to get our credit fixed, now 5 years later we aren't much better than when we started, Student Loans are paid off but those look TERRIBLE anyway (they started garnishment 'threats' so we paid it off) and H has a $1500hc Providian CC that we want to pay off and close. Right now all of our accounts, that are open, are reporting as on time and pays as agreed, so I'm thinking that the late mortgage and a couple of other baddies that are on his credit (an insurance 'collection' that is ludicrious as they covered us for insurance that we didn't even want or need!! Have to find a letter to dispute that with the ins company right? Or with the CBA themselves?) And an old online bank acct that IS his and we have forgotten to pay them (They went out of biz and sold the account to a firm that is less than agressive, so they just sent one letter and we lost it and then forgot, so we have to pay that) So can anyone help and offer a little insight? Also I was looking at H's credit right now and how come an account that was paid off in 2000 is being reported in 3-2002??? It was reported as paid back in 2000 so why are they reporting it again? now it's just going to stick around for 7 MORE years!!!!!!! I'm sorry this is so long and I'm sure I'm asking questions that have been asked a gazillion times in the past, I really will go through and read archives/old messages later on tonight but I figured that maybe you all would like to make my life a little easier and help me out? *batting eyelashes* LOL Thanks a ton and this is the BEST site, I LOVE IT!! Laura
No we hadn't tried that, won't they ask us for our proof, or does The Associates (now reporting as Citifinancial, it seems) have to prove it? I have the cancelled checks but how do I prove that they held the checks? I've only complained once to the BBB and that was because an online order was place, card charged but no merchandise, I got credit back to card AND merchandise! lol maybe I *should* write them! THX!! L.
atlmom, I'm pretty sure, almost positive even, that Associates was in all kinds of predatory lending trouble and lost many a lawsuit including class actions. I believe they had to set up a website to address the problems as well -- Well, citibank did for the associate accounts, I don't think they realized what they were getting into with that deal. I'll see if I can hunt it up for you. Sassy
mom, Seems I understated it a bit, LOL. They've been charged with predatory lending by the FTC and a class action lawsuit has been filed. If you go to google.com and enter associates and predatory lending you'll get an eyefull. Here's the website Citi had to set up to address consumer concerns: http://www.tellcitibank.org/predatorylending.htm And acorn.org is a group of consumer advocates. The check holding is a RESPA violation and is explained at the HUD site. I'd venture to guess there's more than enough to back up your assertion that they held checks to accumulate late charges. Sassy