Can BK dispute work with CRA's?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lyttlemac, May 14, 2002.

  1. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    Is it possible to get a bankruptcy deleted with the CRA's even though I really did have a bankruptcy? How would I go about it, and what are my chances? Does it hurt anything to try?
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    It is definitely possible to get a bk removed. I did it. You need to find any little inaccuracy in the listing of the bk such as wrong dates, wrong amounts, etc. The dispute it as never filed a bk on such and such date. Please delete.
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member do you do it if there aren't any inaccuracies? I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen My poor hubby.

  4. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    There are inaccuracies in the entry, but if I point them out in a dispute, won't they just correct the misinformation? How does that actually get it deleted? (Guess I'm showing my newby-ness.)
    Also, do I dispute it on-line, or by mail, or does it matter?
  5. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    From LKH's comments, it looks like the key is not to tell the CRA what the correct info is! ie: if the date shows "BK as of 5/14", but the actual date was 5/13, then you simply state "I never filed for BK on 5/14. Please Delete". Hopefully this helps.
  6. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I disputed a bk about 3 weeks ago. It was riddled with errors including name on the bankruptcy. I have never heard of this person. There were probably 5 other errors. I have disputed this before and it was verified with nothing changed. I am assuming that the SS #'s match up therefore "bingo" it's a match! How would you get around this?

    In my particular case, I did file a bk. All that is right about the listing is the fact that a public record of the bk should be there. That's it. Everything else about it is wrong.
  7. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    LKH, also which bureau removed the bk?
  8. Lieutenant

    Lieutenant Well-Known Member

    Hey two of the cra's list my husbands BK two weeks earlier then it really happened. So I should dispute that. How do I dispute (That is not my BK) If they check the courts for the bk on that day it wont show or do they use ssn. I never thought of disputing it because of errors as I knew it was his.
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't send in 2 or 3 disputes along with the BK. Just the BK. Sometimes the dispute will sit and sit at the courthouse and either get thrown away or ignored. I have not had a public record verified yet. Charlie
  10. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Before you dispute any public record, go on line to "your State",or do a google search for your County courthouse records.In many States now, all public records are on line, so all it needs is a clerk punching in your name or the file # they already have to verify.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    What Why Chat is true. What you hope for is that they send the dispute card by mail to the ct house and the ct house clerk doesn't respond. I had the bk deleted from all 3 bureaus. I will admit that I disputed as not mine, even though it was, but, I wouldn't recommend that you lie in your disputes.
    What Javan said is exactly what I meant. My bk showed as assets - 0, debts - 0. With Exp. I said why would I file bk if I had 0 debts? Incorrect info please delete. Don't ask why they did, but, they deleted it.
  12. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    A CRA (and a CA) cannot use postcards. Why would they spend postage + return postage + time and effort to mail an inquiry when they can do it with a few mouse clicks? Plus,considering the literacy of the clerks who input information your chances of deletion of the BK are higher if they access the database.
    If your info doesn't match exactly when YOU look it up, it's a cinch to be removed if you dispute it.(same thing with judgments)
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I know ca's can't use post cards. I don't know if there is a law on cra's using them for verification or not, however, I can say that the attorney for my local experian affiliate told me in no uncertain terms, that when a dispute is filed by a consumer, they send out a card requesting verification.
  14. tzank

    tzank Well-Known Member

    Regarding bankruptcy cases being online. The Minneasota Bankruptcy Court database is searchable for free at You can even download the actual bankruptcy papers debtors filed. Other court databases can be searched for a fee. There is also a free telephone database service you can search BKs by SSN.

  15. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    LKH, how did you do it? I have tried that and it comes back verified, i had assest .00 and debits.00

    what would you think my next step would be to do??


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