I have several hard inquires on my CR from CAs who have acquired assorted cc debts of mine. Is this a permissable purpose?
Did you apply for a credit card with them??? Dispute them with the CRA'S..."I DID NOT APPLY FOR THEIR CREDIT CARD...PLEASE DELETE INQUIRY" They can do the same thing with a "SOFT"...but they want your ATTENTION!!!
Try disputing it, but don't be too surprised if it doesn't get removed. It IS permissible for a ca to pull your report.
I did dispute a CA inquiry along the lines that George is suggesting-I did not apply for credit. The bogus response that I got was that if "it appears on your report, then they have a right to pull a hard inquiry." I don't like that response, but that is what I got.
CA's abuse inquiries as well. I have 10 inquiries over a 3 month period in 2000 for a CA that was tring to collect on my student loans. I can understand 1 maybe 2 inquiries but 10 is over kill. When I contacted the CA aboutthis they said tough sh*t they have every right to do it. None of the CRA's would remove the inquiries either. EdG