Can Envelope Mention Debt?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lyttlemac, Nov 20, 2002.

  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    And that is the problem with all of your posts. You are ASSuming that exact same thing. You have just proved my point.

    I don't feel obligated to disclose anything to you, but to make my point, you might consider going back and reading some of my other posts. I do not owe anyone anything. Even my utlity bills are current. I haven't had an inquiry in over a year, and I have about $100,000 in credit lines, all of it in good standing and at very low interest rates.

    Like I said, who do you think you are?? We help people on this board.

  2. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Kind of OT for this thread but good for you. You must have peace of mind. After I dug my self out of some very deep cc debt a few years ago (about 30K, I was in denial so it may have been more) this is how I aim to live too. (Well, accept for the inquiry. I couldn't resist applying for something new!) And although I still owe a ton in student loans at least they're not calling me anymore. To anyone reading this, I am not being smug, I am just trying to say that it is a relief not to have to worry ALL the time and I wanted to congratulate Breeze on maintaining herself in good financial standing.

  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    I have read other posts of yours, allen, and I haven't labelled you at all. But be careful to distinquish yourself from trolls like Hawg. I have read his posts also. I have yet to see him post anything helpful. I wonder why he is on this board. His use ot the "guilt card," and his attitude that other people should somehow answer to him, makes me wonder if he isn't in the collections industry.

    People post on this board for all kinds of reasons, some are in trouble, some are not. Those in trouble usually didn't choose it, believe me. I believe in personal responsibility and I pay my bills. What others believe and do is their business. I am no one's judge. But I won't stand by and watch someone like Hawg pick on people asking for help. I wll take him on, because his guilt trip won't work on me. :)

    I don't see any problem with debating the morals of credit repair - but not in someone else's thread, and at their expense.

  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Thanks Mandy - you will get there. Congrats on the terrific progress so far!!

  5. HawgHanner

    HawgHanner Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Since when am I a troll for having an opinion? I didn't slam the person who started this thread. This discussion started as a friendly discussion between lbrown59 and myself. I too have helped people on this board and frankly I don't like the ire you express over a topic that involves opinion. People are entitled to their opinion whether you like it or not. To slam someone simply because you disagree with their opinion is childish. I am not a troll and I will continue to contribute to the discussions on this board, thank you.

    How anyone can disagree with the notion that a person is supposed to pay for goods and services they have used and/or consumed is beyond me.

    Hawg Hanner
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    I don't see any problem with debating the morals of credit repair - but not in someone else's thread, and at their expense.
    This is where both Hawg and Allen are out of line.
    If they desire to discuss the morals and ethics of consumers by all means let them so do, but not by hijacking someone elses thread.

    May I suggest starting your own thread on that subject In the lounge forum or on
    another web site dealing with religious or moral issues.

    LB 59
  7. reddevil

    reddevil Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    This is really simple.

    If a debtor fails to pay back a debt according to the terms, creditors have a wide range of legal methods they can use to induce or compel payment. They also have a wide range of illegal methods that they cannot use to induce or compel payment.

    When a CA puts anything on an envelope that indicates that he is a debt collector, or is attempting to collect a debt, he's using one of the ILLEGAL methods. When a creditor breaks the law, it gives the debtor the RIGHT to seek whatever legal redress he wants to. That includes suing them for money.

    If creditors break the law, they should expect to suffer the consequences. Unfortunately, most consumers don't know enough to exercise their legal RIGHTS. That doesn't make it wrong for the few who DO know enough to go ahead and do so.

    More to the point, the creditors shouldn't break the law in the first place. It's awfully one-sided to preach morality to the debtors while giving creditors a free ride.
  8. reddevil

    reddevil Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Also, if we're going to discuss morality, consider this:

    The CAs figure the following:

    1. Yes, this collection method is illegal.

    2. It will result 10% increased collections.

    3. The number of debtors who know it's illegal is tiny.

    4. Most of those debtors would be happy if we just chucked the debt, which is easy enough given that we only bought it for 10 cents on the dollar. It's not like we expected to collect every penny. And we can always sell it to somebody else.

    5. Of the few that are mad, most don't have the money to bother taking us to court.

    6. If they do take us to court, the statutory limit is so small as to be laughable, and we can always get lucky and pull Judge Hawg Hanner, who will rule in our favor no matter what.

    7. Worse case, if too many people complain, we become deadbeats ourselves, declare BK, sell the assets on the cheap to a shell corporation, and start calling debtors the next day off the same old list.

    They KNOW this is against the law. They do it anyway because their profit/loss calculation says they should. Their profit/loss calculation says they should because not enough debtors hold their feet to the fire.

    Is that moral?
  9. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Interesting you should write this,
    red, cause i was about to write the same thing.

    as far as Hawg is concerned, if it walks like troll and talks like a troll. . .
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    It's awfully one-sided to preach morality to the debtors while giving creditors a free ride.
    Yeah it's immoral or unethical.
  11. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    You are correct Breeze... I should not have invaded this thread. I apologize for that.

  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    6. we can always get lucky and pull Judge Hawg Hanner Or your honor Allen., who will rule in our favor no matter what.

  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    3) There are a lot of people out there who DON'T know their rights under the FDCPA and FCRA,
    What Hawg & Allen aren't considering is for every debtor who fudges on a debt there are hundreds of others that get coerced into paying debts they don't even owe due to unethical and or illegal tactics of CAs and OCs.

    LB 59LB
  14. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    excuse me lb but sure i do understand and i hate it.. i wish there was more I and we could do to put that crap out of business.

    It is the same way I feel towards the damn "DEBTTODAY" and other CCCS bs services that say they help when they really hurt.

    Or payday loans

    Or car title loans

    the list goes on......
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If a CA has bought the debt for pennies, and the OC won't ever see the money I pay to the CA, I have issues with that.
    One of the issues is the agreement expires with the OC.
  16. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Who have you helped?
  17. Zaxxon

    Zaxxon Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    Originally posted by HawgHanner
    How anyone can disagree with the notion that a person is supposed to pay for goods and services they have used and/or consumed is beyond me.

    How did this person use spurious late fees, trumped up legal fees, photocopy fees, tripled interest rates after asking for some accommodation from the OC? The same OC whose goons call at work repeatedly, and then demand to speak to Human Resources department.

    I've seen a company pound someone for $1,500 (incl. fees like I listed above), and turn around and spend $500,000 on a sky box rental for a season.

    "Banque of the City" isn't going to charge less for loans because its collector cooerced someone into paying. They're going to charge what the market will bear. If their cost of collection is lower, more profit in their pockets. Probably buy more advertising targeting college students.

    The CA breaks the law, they should pay. Envelope markings . . . what a cheap shot.
  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: The problem is this

    "Banque of the City" isn't going to charge less for loans because its collector cooerced someone into paying. They're going to charge what the market will bear. If their cost of collection is lower, more profit in their pockets. Probably buy more advertising targeting college students.
    ==================Could not be more on target


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