I have asked the CRA to check on a 2 years-old CA and it came back verified. Now the TL is reporting anew as of this month. I am thinking about validation but would love to use a 1-2 punch. I am however afraid that the CRA will consider my demand frivolous since I just verified the information with them... I'd like to get this CA on violation if reporting the TL on my CR while during the validation period. How can I use the 1-2 punch without alienating the CRA? Should I ask for the method of verification from the CRA, and in this case, do they contact the CA once again?
Can I send this letter asking for the reinvestigation of the whole tradeline. «Date» Dear Sir/Madame: This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information. I am distressed that you have included the below information in my credit profile and have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be re-investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged item, specifically the contract, note or other instrument bearing my signature. Failing that, the item must be deleted from the report as soon as possible: Name of Creditor/Agency, Account #_________ The listed item is completely inaccurate and incomplete, and is a very serious error in reporting. Please delete this misleading information, and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber. Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation. Sincerely,