Can I dispute this Charge Off?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CeciKay, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. CeciKay

    CeciKay New Member

    I applied and received 2 credit cards after I entered College in 1999. I was 17 at the time and my last purchases were made before I turned 18. As far as the items and services I purchased, I did buy food and clothes for myself and others but no longer enjoyed the benefit of purchasing with the credit cards after I turned 18. And I definitely would not have call these items necessaries. They both have a Charge Off status now. Are these contracts void? I know I did not have parental consent. I did not give my incorrect birth date and year. In all my research, this is all I could find:

    Georgia Code 13-3-20
    (a) Generally the contract of a minor is voidable. If in a contractual transaction a minor receives property or other valuable consideration and, after arrival at the age of majority, retains possession of such property or continues to enjoy the benefit of such other valuable consideration, he shall have thereby ratified or affirmed the contract and it shall be binding on him.
    (b) The contract of a minor for necessaries shall be binding on him as if he were of legal majority except that the party furnishing them to him must prove that the parent or guardian of such minor had failed or refused to supply sufficient necessaries for him.

    Can someone explain this code to me and how I apply it to my situation? Do you think I can Duspute these Charge Offs all together? What are my first steps?

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