Can I get a credit card?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bac0ny0, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. bac0ny0

    bac0ny0 Member

    Does anyone know if I will be able to get a credit card with this situation?

    My TU fico is 646 and there are collections on there. I live in PA. Does anyone know of a company that pulls only TU for people in PA and will approve me with a 646 with derogs?

    I would like to open a card that has a reasonable credit line to improve my ratios.

  2. TradeWiz50

    TradeWiz50 Well-Known Member

    Yes. Any secured card lender will offer you an account with a security deposit equal to or less than the credit line.

    Capital One, Providian, Orchard Bank cater to people in your credit situation.
  3. bac0ny0

    bac0ny0 Member

    I guess I should add that I am looking for an unsecured credit card.

  4. TradeWiz50

    TradeWiz50 Well-Known Member

    Those I listed offer unsecured credit cards.

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