Can I Open a Bank Account?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bngleboy, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. bngleboy

    bngleboy New Member

    Folks! Can someone with credit card debts open a Bank Account? And, how long does it take to remove your bad credit history? Please answer if you know the answers and consequences.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    If you have ever wriiten a dishonored check you may be in the chex system which might prevent you from opening a bank account.
    Simply having bad credit should not automatically disqualify you from having an account, however, you may not qualify for credit-related services such as overdraft protection.
    Another option may be a credit union that you can join...they are more consumer friendly and are less restrictive than some of the larger banks
  3. bngleboy

    bngleboy New Member

    Thanx for ur kind response. No, I've never written a bad check, but I do have some delinquency with c/c issued by a bank where I had accounts with. Also, do creditors find out someone's account who has debt?. Thanx again for your feedback.
  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    well, banks do seem to run credit checks, but if you go to a different bank, it might not matter that you had cc debt at the other bank. Also, nowadays, banks seem to merge ferequently, and you may find your new bank merged with the old bank some day.

    They can find this out unless you take steps to make sure they don't. Do things such as- don't use direct deposits, don't pay your bills with checks, use money orders, and don't bank at a local bank. If you owe money and the creditor gets a judgment, it is easier for them to track your bank accounts down if you don't do all of the above

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