Can I qualify for 0% car financing?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by moneyhoney, Sep 8, 2002.

  1. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

    Interesting takes everyone. It sounds like it depends which type of car you buy? The only person I know who's bought at 0% is my brother -- he has excellent credit and bought a Ford.

    Any 0%s on Honda or Toyota?

    P.S. They should be giving cars away in this economy.
  2. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    rblues and ohnostuck -What kind of vehicles ?

    So far, I count 1 Dodge
    2 Daimler/Chrysler
    1 Subaru
    2 Ford
    2 not yet known
    0 Honda or Toyota

    Anyone else have any to add?

    This is interesting!! Moneyhoney, I hope someone has good news for you!
  3. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Have you spoken to your bank or credit union to see if you qualify with them for a loan? Not necessarily for a car, but to see if they would approve you? Maybe they could give you some insight into your "loan chances." At least you would know how one lender views your report, and maybe they would let you see your score...

    We took out a small loan with our cu just to help our scores and credit mix. Not saying you should do this too, just what we chose to do.

    Our rep at the cu was very helpful!
  4. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    But someome gets denied with a 794 FICO? Oh yeah i forgot that score doesn't mean anything.....i'm not doubting you guys, but it goes to show the insanity of credit scoring.
  5. tommyy

    tommyy Well-Known Member

    I was told by a General Mgr of the local Ford store that the higher volume dealers with good relationships with the big 3 finance departments can get almost anyone 0%.

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