I have an entry on my credit reports, that even after suing the 3 cra's I can't get off my report. It is a balance due of $3721.00 for GMAC, for a repo back in 97, the deficiency balance was in my bk7, so it was discharged. GMAC always verifies that it is past due, and charged off, and all 3 cra's show a past due of 3721.00, and none note the account incl in bk7. On my CE score it says that the 3721.00 hurts me, b/c it is listed as past due... Can I sue GMAC for their continuous verification of an obviously discharged debt? Should I? AR
Why don't you send the CRA's a copy of your petition for bk and black out all accounts not pertaining to the repo? Its kinda hard for them to ignore that kind of evidence. You can sue anyone for anything, but its not always the best idea. I know others may disagree with me, but when I get in front of a judge, I want to show that I bent over backwards to resolve the situation and that litigation was my last resort to correct the situation. Just my two cents, which won't buy you anything at all these days. L
I won't send the CRA's copies of my BK7 information ,b/c I am trying to get it removed, and having success, I have sued all 3 cra's and am getting limited success with 2 of the 3 with getting the bk7 and accounts removed. I soley want to sue GMAC, b/c of their inability to do their job, and when I called them, and asked the status of the account, they say it's discharged, they just don't want to pay to have it updated on the CRA's...sooo.....I will sue them , and make them pay me, for their laziness!