Can I sue the mayor for harassment?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pat9100, Nov 7, 2002.

  1. pat9100

    pat9100 Well-Known Member

  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Are you a resident of the city that this guy is the mayor of?
    If not neither the mayor or city has any authority over you!
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    or the collection of garbage and rubbish, requiring adherence thereto and fixing penalties for violations thereof." (theft of service)
    Is the trash Co picking up your trash?
    If not how can it be theft of service when you aren't getting service?

    and to call the garbage comapny, wanting to know if I paid him or not.
    Why would he be the one to get paid rather than the trash Co.?

    LB 59
  4. dogboy

    dogboy Member

    I must be missing something here. What has the warrant been issued for? Not paying a garbage bill? Other than not paying the IRS there is no debt that will land you in jail unless there was fraud involved.

    Get yourself a good attorney and hope they arrest you on these frivolous charges, you will become a very rich person.
  5. denied

    denied Well-Known Member

    Wow! Here's a subject that I have some experience with, let me share:

    When I was in college, I was pretty broke (hmm, still am). My mom had just bought vacation house about 45 minutes away (she lived 1200 miles away). No one ever lived in the house, and the drive was only about 45 minutes, so I took up residence for a couple years during college.

    You want to talk about an age difference? I was 20 years old in a neighborhood of 70+!

    Part of my deal with good ol mom was that I'd do whatever she wanted done to the house while I lived there. The house always looked great. I put in flower beds, goldfish pond, benches, pebble paths, built a brand new roofed dock, installed sprinklers, painted the gutters, put up retaining walls, basically everything you ever could ask for to improve property values. The place looked spectacular after a couple years of hard work.

    I was so careful not to raise any hairs w/ the neighbors, but I have a feeling my friends made some bad impressions early on that stirred some emotions.

    The only solid thing they had against me was my car, it was a little loud, but I was ultra careful to drive considerately around the neighborhood.

    This one guy [member of the homeowners' board] would put herbicide on my hedges and flowers, then when everything died a week later, he would call the city and complain about the unkempt yard!

    Other times I would get my mail pulled out of the box, thrown in the sprinklers. Kicked over yard statues, stepped on flowers. Every time something was out of place, the city or the neighborhood association heard about it.

    I had to expect the police to visit at least biweekly. I was always doing something "suspicous" or "loud" (hard to be loud when I'm only one person!).

    One day I caught the guy spraying herbicide on the hedge, he dropped his bottle of RoundUP and denied everything right to my face. I was HOT over that, probably said several things that didn't help.

    Every single week it was some new gripe. When the police would get called, they would always just say they have to investigate, but realized that it wasnâ??t a severe complaint. (car parked crooked in the driveway looks suspicious? come on)

    I would get a complaints about dead plants, oil spots in the driveway, leaned over lawn ornaments, golf balls in the yard, grass too high, grass too short, must be a dozen more that don't come to mind. I got letters (actually, my mother did, but to the house) every single week about the latest gripes.

    They always said, "per homeowners association code XXX, you will be fined $yy if it is not corrected immediately."

    My mother always said to play along and they would quit. I did, and they didnâ??t. :\

    She never paid any of the homeowner assoc. fines while I was there, they sent bills, but the charges were so stupid that both of us blew them off. I don't know if she ever did . . .
  6. pat9100

    pat9100 Well-Known Member

    the trash co is still picking up my trash. He apparantly likes to keep checking with the garbage co to see if the bill is paid. like I said, He is not a licensed collection co. just a town mayor... I kinda hope they arrest me for it...I'd have him by the b#@&^...
  7. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    The story that denied wrote....I can see happens. I had some friends that lived in an area with the homeowners assoc. and if they did not like you, could make life difficult.
    But not paying your garbage bill and being arrested for this a town of 300 people that have nothing better to do?
    I forgot to pay my garbage bill once and the garbage truck picked up both neighbors on each side of me and left mine. I called the company and was told why, paid my bill and garbage company came back and picked it up.
    If the poster really has proof of payment of bill and the garbage company is picking up the garbage, I would go to the police and file a report against the mayor.
    Better yet, take your garbage to his house for pickup.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why don't you toss this co. and get another company?
    As long as they continue picking up the trash you can be accused of stealing their service.

    If you cancel the service then you can not steal service that you aren't getting.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    A man was hailed into court for dumping rubbish in a forbidden area.

    The judge asked, "Didn't you see the sign posted there?"

    "Yes sir, I sure did," replied the man. "It says real plain in big letters...'FINE FOR DUMPING'!'"
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    LOL! I hadn't heard that before...
  11. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, there are those in positions of authority who abuse their "power", considering themselves to be above the law. We've seen it all over the place - priests in the Catholic church, Enron, Bernie Ebbers, Martha Stewart, just about every other politician in Washington - you get the idea. What's worse, when we're the victims of such abuse, we're often led to believe the we're powerless.

    I would IMMEDIATELY get a lawyer - and not a local one, just in case he knows the mayor. Next, since you're in a major metropolitan area, I would contact the local TV and radio stations - they're always hungry for a story like this. You mentioned that you're not alone with this guy's abuse. Once you go public, you'd be surprised to see how many others come forth.

    This guy needs to be removed from office. Period. It all starts with your willing to go the distance.
  12. pat9100

    pat9100 Well-Known Member

  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why don't yo quit using this trash company and get some one else?
    If you live out of town the jerk has no aithority over you.
  14. pat9100

    pat9100 Well-Known Member


    Sorry, I do live in the same town, and unfortunately, using another company is not possible. they have the exclusive contract

  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    L brown
    1* I do live in the same town, and unfortunately,
    2*using another company is not possible. They have the exclusive contract
    1* figured you did.
    2*I thought so.
    ------------- ------------------- ------------------------
    using another company is not possible. they have the exclusive contract
    Works the same way here. Fortunately I'm out side of town and don't have to put up with the kind of crap they're giving you with this sham.
    There are several bad things about such arrangements.
    Here are just 3 of them.
    1*They stifle competition causing higher rates for folks out side the city.
    2*They jack up the cost of service for folks living in town.
    3*It forces folks to pay for trash service when none is ever being picked up.
  16. pat9100

    pat9100 Well-Known Member

  17. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Here in Oh. the city residents get ripped off like this.
    The town gave the trash Co an Exclusive contract that cost the individual more per month than I was paying the same company for the same service outside of town.
    Another thing that happens is it forces folks to take the more costly service of the company having the Ex.Contract while there are perhaps 2 or 3 other Cos.
    ofering the same or better service for less money.
  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    . they have the exclusive contract
    Ok-but do you have to take their service?

  19. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    When my mother died and her in town home was transfered into my name the city tried to hook me with this scheme I called the trash company and the the city and told them to cancel the trash pick up there as I wasn't about to pay for trash removal at a vacent house.
    They did as i said.
  20. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd add my trash story as well. The city I went to college in required that all trash be put into city sold specific trash bags. You could but a box of 10 for $5. They were ugly yellow bags that ripped half the time you put trash into them. Forget buying a $3 box of Glads or Heftys if you put your trash out in those your trash would never be picked up. I learned my lesson after several weeks of my trash just sitting there. I thought overpriced city trash bags were one of the biggest scams going.


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