Can I sue the mayor for harassment?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pat9100, Nov 7, 2002.

  1. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    our city has it's own bags too. I could see it if they were biodegradable or something, but they are the same old plastic bags you get in the supermarket. They are $4 for 5 too. What a ripoff!
  2. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    Re: Can I sue the mayor for harassm

    I grew up in Plum Borough and drove through your borough to graduate school everyday for about 3 years. Anyway, get a lawyer is the simpliest solution/advice. It sounds absolutely horrible.

    Mike G.
  3. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Can I sue the mayor for harassm

    I would go down to the police station and see about filing a stalking complaint. This guy checking on your personal info? Driving by your house constantly? What is the definition of a stalker? That ought to put him in his place.

    I would also send the garbage company a letter threatening them not to give out your account information, which could possibly be used in some identity theft scheme.

    You have to get nuttier than he is!

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