I have an old Capitol One collection on my credit reports from 2003. It's paid off. However the CRA's are reporting it as paid off in Oct. 2003. I have a letter from Cap. One saying it was paid off in Aug. 2003. Is this enough of a discrepancy to use to get it removed? If so, what is the best strategy?
You could certainly dispute the accuracy. You could do it online and see if that's enough to correct or delete it. Or you could send your dispute with a copy of the letter to the CRA and see if that does anything. Best case, the CRA removes it for being inaccurate. Worst case, they correct it and re-age it. You pay's your money, you takes your chances. My $.02 bet would be on sending the information by mail (But that's just me talkin').
It is worthwhile to try the dispute of the tradeline; if you have NOT previously disputed it, I recommend that your first dispute be as "Not Mine". Do not send any records or information at this point. Enter the dispute, (keep records!!), and await results. See what happens on the first dispute, then if no success, try other dispute reasons.