Can someone explain the earlier posting about Goodwill letters

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wisteria12, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. wisteria12

    wisteria12 Member

    I was just reading through the posts and saw that one about "Goodwill Letters", and wondered if someone would mind explaining what they are for. Thank you
  2. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    Goodwill letters are when you write a nice letter to a company asking them for an act of goodwill (removing a late fee, removing a late mark, any other little favor they might do it they're feeling generous)... I've used them and had some success. I think the best way to do it is to start by telling them how great they've been to work with, and commend them on their excellent customer service, or some such thing. Butter them up a bit, and then ask for your act of goodwill. No matter what happens though, post your results here so we can all benefit.

    Good luck!
  3. champ77

    champ77 Member

    Actually, to have these letters to really work,,, they have to be asked by the credit institution or lender,,,, if you think you could have a chance to have a negative mark removed from your credit report, call the lender or credit institution, dont take a no easily, try to avoid a final response, stress the fact you never had late payments, and this one time issue was caused for some extraordinary event (change of jobs, direct deposit issues, etc),,,, It took me almost 2 months calling back and forth my federal credit union, I prepared a convincing argument, and never accepted their first answer,,,,,, they asked me to prepare a letter so they can just present to their managers and have it done,,, after 3 negatives and several call,, I got it.

    so this letters really work if they are asked by them,,,, dont try to send it out without calling and feeling how they could respond,,, my 2 cents
  4. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    When you call them up who do you ask to speak to?
    I have several lates that are on my cr's from January 07 and it would be great to get them off, so HOW exactly?
    Thanks a lot as I have never done a goodwill letter or call before.

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