Can someone help me?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ash123, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. ash123

    ash123 New Member

    Hi I was wondering if anyone on here can help. I had a debt with a company and I moved and did not even know I owed this money. Well 2 yrs later they must have looked up my last name in my town and started calling people. They called my brothers house and told him about the debt and when and what it was for. Is this legal? Is there anyway to go after them?

    If anyone can help I would appreciate it

  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    It is legal for a debt collector to contact third parties in order to trace someone who owes them money.
    as per the FDCPA:
    § 804. Acquisition of location information [15 USC 1692b]

    Any debt collector communicating with any person other than the consumer for the purpose of acquiring location information about the consumer shall --

    (1) identify himself, state that he is confirming or correcting location information concerning the consumer, and, only if expressly requested, identify his employer;

    (2) not state that such consumer owes any debt;

    (3) not communicate with any such person more than once unless requested to do so by such person or unless the debt collector reasonably believes that the earlier response of such person is erroneous or incomplete and that such person now has correct or complete location information;

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