I owe a CC company $712. It's been on my report for 3 years now. Last month $712 showed up under another company's name also. A CA probably.... Can they do that? Can the same Debt be on my Credit Report twice??? What Can I do? Also, ( this is a different question) What is considered verification? If they send old bills does that count? What do I do then? Thanks Me
I can answer the first question: Unfortunately, they all can report, but only the one that currently owns/is collecting on the debt can report a balance. All others must have a 0 balance. As far as verification, I think that you mean validation, and the most prevailing opinion on this board is that just statements, invoices, bills and the like are not considered "complete" validation. This is based on the Wollman FTC opinion letter. Here is a link to it: Wollman FTC opinion letter There are dozens of threads on this board about it also.