can they report you charged off 120 days

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hershey, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    i have a question can oc report you 120 days past due charge off every month after you paid them off let say you paid them on off mar/05 and when i pulled my a week ago report they mark every month late over 90 and 120 days late.till last month 06/06 with $0 balance. i thought they would just have to report it paid charged off as of the date i paid them off. how can they mark it every month? also how can i find out when was the date of the charge off , how is the time measured.ex and tu reported mme paid charge off since 05/05. but not eq.please help
  2. kingcalvin

    kingcalvin Member

    I'm not sure what you're saying...

    If you paid it in march, then it should say paid. you may be seeing marks for late payments that are associated with the PREVIOUS lates, and they will remain for a while. As long as there is no amount in the "Past Due" column and your balance is showing $0, you are now fine.
  3. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    yes they were paid mar/05 and they reflect a $0 balance, but my concern is that after i paid it keeps coming up late for example month of june/05 then aug/05 sept/05 then 11/05 12/05 1/06 2/06 3/06 4/06 5/06 06/06 90+ days late. doesn't that affect my score.
  4. jtc79

    jtc79 Well-Known Member

    I know what you are saying. World Financial Network National Bank keeps doint the same to me. Mine was paid in 03-2003, after disputing it they came bank and said it was a charge off as of 03-2006. This then shows up as a "recent" late payment, recent meaning 3 months as opposed to 3 years. This does lower your score by at least 15 points because it is "recent". Write a letter to the cra and tell them when the original charge off date was.
  5. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    i just got off the phone with eq , because i had an old mortgage company that i paid off in mar 05 which shows closed in in april of 2005 and the recently report me late in june of 2006 talking about bad luck, they even show i was late in mar 05 in oct 2004 and sept 2004 and i found the old checks cashed by them regarding the months that they state that i am late and they were all cashed during that time. is there any violation there that i am entitled to. thanks
  6. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Once CO has occurred the status will (officially) be either CO or PCO (PAID CHARGE OFF).

    You can occasionally get a delete or PAA (PAID AS AGREED), or luck into them updating to PAA, but it's the rare option.

    CO in the status is the LAST status of the account.
  7. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Were the payments received prior to the date due (which will be hard to tell this late in the game)?

    Just because a check was cashed in March for a March payment, doesn't mean that the March payment was timely.

    For example, if your March payment was due on the 15th, they receive it (or post it) on the 17th, and they don't allow for a grace period, your account is late, and they can report it as such.

    Just because the check was cashed in the month of March, doesn't mean that the check was received before the due date, and that it wasn't late.

    Now, that being said, the only real way to know would be to dispute the reporting.

    First, I'ld send a letter to the DF (Data Furnisher) telling them that you are requesting conclusive verification of the payment history which they are reporting.

    Then, I'ld dispute the payment status to the CRAs which the lates are being reported to.
  8. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    "For example, if your March payment was due on the 15th, they receive it (or post it) on the 17th, and they don't allow for a grace period, your account is late, and they can report it as such."

    Although there may be creditors that do this, as a consumer why would you accept it, when on its face, it is erroneous reporting? The CRAs only show 30 days late, or 60 days late, etc. If they are showing on your report as 30 days late, you dispute, and they verify as accurate, but you were only 1 day late, they have verified that what the CRA is telling other creditors about you is accurate, yet is is clearly erroneous.

    Reporting, by policy, as "30 days late" accounts that are actually only a few days late is both deliberate erroneous reporting, and a deceptive and unfair trade practice, since it gives them an advantage knowing they can offer you poorer terms more profitable to them with no actual increased risk, based on their erroneous damaging reports that will dissuade other creditors from undercutting their terms.

    Note that this is a far more damaging an anti-competitive tactic than failing to report credit limits, because posting recent negative lates tends to damage your scores more than debt to available limit effects that can be offset by opening other accounts. Your other good accounts are a less effective counterbalance to erroneous negative TLs.

    Sears had a reputation for reporting even 1 day late. They also got caught coercing consumers to reaffirm debts that had been discharged in bankruptcy, with a substantial fine. Presumeably with Citi taking over their CC operations, both practices have stopped.

    Note that Citi got caught posting payments and adding late fees for payments received only hours late on the actual due date. They settled a class action a couple years ago.

    Several other CC companies were caught posting payments days after they actually received checks in the mail. Although they can post the payments when they process the checks, they can't legally charge extra interest or late fees if the original check was received on time. They can, however, delay increasing your available credit by the payment made until they have processed it. See FCBA.

    Same applies to processing of mortgage payments in a delayed manner to rack up bogus late fees. Search on Fairbanks Capital for examples and the penalty they paid when caught.

    You have to draw a line somewhere. If you accept even the predatory actions of your creditors, they will compete with an advantage over legally-compliant competitors, damaging both you and the more responsible lenders you might prefer to use.
  9. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    it was for a prior mortgage i had on my home with first franklin, when i spoke to cus rep today she told me that she doesn't know why it would come up late in june 2006 if the account was closed in april 2005 so she said that they do not know why it is reported late in june of 2006 so they blamed it on cra. i spoke to eq and they said that the last activity they have 04/2003. so i dont understand from what i under stand theres a grace period of 30 days.
  10. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    If you read the legend (at least on EQ) 30 = 1-30; etc...
    Would it be better if they gave the EXACT number of days, yes, but the odds of that happening are between slim and none.
    True lates are not possible after CO...
    But CO statuses after CO can still be reported accurately, its only reporting that (AS OF) XX/XX the account is *STILL* COed.
  11. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    now i am more confused, because if my account that was paid in 04/05 and they report it as a paid charge charge off which is right. why do they report every month after that as charged off. it was charged off prior to till the date before i paid it, not after. so then how can they do that when i asked the eq they said that they have to report what they get back from the oc, i sent them a letter i received from the oc stating that the account was paid in full as of 05/05, it doesn;t say anything as a paid charge off on it, and they will not change it. there came to me direct from the oc, its not something i made up or anything.
  12. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    this is what i am talking about

    VERIZON (Individual)

    Credit Grantor Contact Information
    Not on record

    Account Number Not on record
    Account Type Open Account
    Credit Limit
    (High Credit)

    Minimum Monthly Payment (Terms) $0

    Date Opened September, 2002
    Date of Last Activity April, 2003
    Description Consumer disputes - reinvestigation in progress

    Last Report on July, 2006
    Balance Current status Past Due Amount
    $0 Bad debt/collection

    Recent Payment History
    2006 Jun these all say bad debt/ collection
    2006 Apr
    2006 Mar
    2005 Dec
    2005 Nov
    2005 Jun
    2005 May
    2005 Apr
    2005 Mar
    2005 Feb
    2005 Jan

    Seven Year Payment History
    30 days late: 0 60 days late: 0 90+ days late: 11

    6/2006 the all sale bad dept / collection












    VERIZON (Individual)

    Credit Grantor Contact Information
    Not on record

    Account Number Not on record
    Account Type Open Account
    Credit Limit
    (High Credit)

    Minimum Monthly Payment (Terms) $0

    Date Opened September, 2002
    Date of Last Activity October, 2003
    Description Consumer disputes - reinvestigation in progress

    Last Report on July, 2006
    Balance Current status Past Due Amount
    $0 Bad debt/collection

    Recent Payment History
    2006 Apr
    2006 Mar
    2005 Dec
    2005 Nov
    2005 Jun
    2005 May
    2005 Apr
    2005 Mar
    2005 Jan
    2004 Dec
    2004 Sep

    Seven Year Payment History
    30 days late: 0 60 days late: 0 90+ days late: 11











  13. hershey

    hershey Well-Known Member

    need help!!!!

    i paid these accounts in april of 2005. so i understand if they report it late before that , but not after

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