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Can U get your Lexis NExis File

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SonnysGirl, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. SonnysGirl

    SonnysGirl Member

    If so, does anyone have a link?
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Not handy ... and it's fairly buried in their website. But they do sell it ... $8 or 9 bucks.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Search "person report."
  4. quillart

    quillart New Member

    Here is the link I found


    I can't post links so you can cut and paste this in your browser.
  5. cabsher

    cabsher Member


    What for?

    It's boring...and a waste of paper.
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    It certainly is not. Amongst other things, L-N is the company that reports public records to the credit reporting agencies. Opt out of them and you stand a decent shot at getting those removed.

    It's not boring either. That company has more info on people that anyone should. I swear they're the private arm of the CIA which can't investigate U.S. citizens without cause.

    Pull it, you'll be amazed.
  7. pdidy

    pdidy Member

    Only If

    An individual may request opt-out if one of these conditions exists:

    You are a state, local or federal law enforcement officer or public official and your position exposes you to a threat of death or serious bodily harm; or
    You are a victim of identity theft; or
    You are at risk of physical harm.
  8. bigpete

    bigpete Member

    How do you opt out? Do you have to purchase the file?

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