My roommate applied and was approved for the Citi Silver and Gold AA cards. She then called and upgraded both to Platinum Dividend. She just received the cards (but hasn't activated them yet) and now wants to know if she can combine the cards into one account so she can have a larger credit limit. One card has $6000 on it and the other has $5000 on it and both have the 15.9% APR.
You certainly can. Just call them up and ask, you shouldn't have any problems. While you're on the phone with them, ask if they can do anything about that APR, it should go down at least to 12.9. BTW, if she plans on carrying a balance, there is an advantage to keeping both open.She'll have the option of getting a grace period if she pays one of the cards off every month. -Roman
My roommate only wants to keep two credit cards with high limits. She has a new Visa from her credit union for $20000 at 12.9% and she's planning to close her First Union (APR 18%...they refuse to lower her APR despite an 18 year perfect payment history) once the BT goes through. She's also going to close her Capital One card since they have refused to raise her credit limit (only $400) in the two years she has had the account. You'd think a person with a perfect credit history and a FICO of 705 would get more respect :-( If she can get Citi to combine the two accounts, she'd have $31000 in credit and be perfectly content.