Butch, Again thank you very much four taking the time to assist with all my question. I am aware of the differences between the FDCPA and the FCBA. The only reason I brought up the FCBA with the CA is because they added my wife to this account and we did not even know each when this collection started. With the OC having the wrong address on the statement the CA provided for validation, would be a good idea to write to the CA that they have a violation under the FCBA? Thanks again!
Are you willing to attempt to deal with the OC in exchange for withdrawing the file from the CA as "reported in error"? You'd be admitting that it's yours. (For one thing, we still don't know how you disputed. It has something to do with how you proceed. Also how much is it for? And why didn't your insurance pay it, if applicable?) With respect to medicals it's fairly easy to deal with the OC's, and get what you need. If you explain the situation, and let them know that it's all because you didn't get the bills, and that you WANT to "do the right thing", I bet they'd work with you. This kinds boils down to what you want to accomplish. I'm sure the least of which is to get the derog deleted. It's always been my experience that medical OC's will *usually* try to work with you. Some A__hole office managers excluded. Ask yourself; what could I do to meet these people half way and still get my deletion.
That is the thing, I would be willing to work with the OC if they were willing to take it out the CAs hands. I have talked to the OC per your suggestion but they said that they were not able to do anything. I want to try again, but I would also want to ensure that I do not admit that it is mine. This seems to be the only leverage I would have. I was thinking of writing a letter to them listing all the violations the CA has committed and point out the OC billing error from the statement the CA sent to me. Do you think this may influence the OC a little? Especially if I mention the possibility of court and fines?
If a CR is pulled and there is no account, at the time of the pull, it's a violation. PERIOD, END OF STORY. Asking all the "yeah well what about this or that" is redundant. If they pulled a CR without an account send them a demand for $1,000 and 15 days to pay up. If you don't get it SUE EM. BTW Lisa you may want to start a thread on that old case you talked about.
The statement from the CA was a copy of the statement printed out by the OC. The ins company was to pay for but they refused because they claimed DR was not part of their network, but that is a whole different story.
Islandboy, You have mail. Jymlewis sorry for highjacking your thread. I hope you found somthing helpfull in here.
I have collection on my report for 2+ years now. I am closing in 2 weeks time and had to pay off the collection as a condition. I tried to settle for a lower amount with CA including deletion. They rejected my offer and pull a hard inquiry on my EQ. That just knock 5 pts off. Are they still permiited to pull after this long ? Do I have any chance of suing for $1000 ? Should I just pay off whole amount now ? I appreciate your advice, hanson
I thought Lizarkking collected $1000 on numerous occation? BTW what does PP and CHOD mean? They're not listed in the Glossary.
I thought Lizardking collected $1000 on numerous occations? BTW what does PP and CHOD mean? They're not listed in the Glossary.