cancelled by issuer, how long?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ero2, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. ero2

    ero2 Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering, I have 6 bank cards and only use 1 for everything and 2 are sockdrawer FOREVER cards(MBNA to help ratios and crap one because it is my oldest account), and the other 3 are balance carrying or BT cards (not used very much) I was just wondering if I should use all of these cards once a year, like go to the gas station with all of them and put 10.00 in my tank with each of the 5 cards, I have a 50 dollar tank:-( or how long I would have, generally, until they are cancelled by issuer as I DO NOT want that to happen.
  2. lakpr

    lakpr Well-Known Member

    In the past, I got "Why aren't you using our card?" notices from Citibank once I sock-drawered them for one year. 1-year seems to be the magical number for cutoff time.

    Yeah, if you have a 50 dollar tank (SUV ?) use all the 5 cards once every 2 months for $10 each to show usage. That should keep the issuers happy.

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