Cap 1 Blacklist or not?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by thescoob, Feb 18, 2002.

  1. thescoob

    thescoob Well-Known Member

    Anyone have any luck with getting a Cap 1 card after a previous bad account with them? I had a 1000$ limit Visa that went bad, but I paid through settlement (60%) in 1999. It's off all of my credit reports, but I don't want to risk an inquiry if they will decline on a blacklisting.

    Any feedback is appreciated... thanks


    EQ 634, Ex 589, TU 533
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    I was recently declined because of my "unsatisfactory handling of previous account," or words to that effect, and my situation was pretty much the same as yours. So it looks like there is a Cap 1 blacklist, only it takes a hard inquiry for them to do the look-up (as opposed to Citi's blacklist, where you're just declined outright, with no inquiry).


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