cap 1 charge offs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jenz123, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    search isn't exactly working...need advice. two cap one charge offs $600 and $900. DOLA 4/04. we all know cap 1 doesn't PFD, so what are my options. would my score go up AT ALL if i pay these off? i did try executive offices but no luck.
  2. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    they wont reopen your accounts if you pay them off?

    usually they will...


  3. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    nope - in fact they wont accept anything other than 70% of the amount owed. seriously, i offered full payment and they told me no. not PFD, not pays as agreed. all i wanted was to have it show paid in full and not settled for less than.

  4. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    bump for jenz - is this the one you were trying to find?
  5. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    thank you!!!

    man i hate dial-up! i can't get anywhere but the first page or else it times out on me.
  6. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    No problem - dial up can be so frustrating!

    I don't give much advise here, but I'm happy to do searches!

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