Cap 1 Investagative solutions?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by no1healey, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. no1healey

    no1healey Well-Known Member

    Cap 1 Investagative solutions?TRUST WORTHY?

    Cap 1 "lost our payments and put us into collections while we were still getting monthly statements .
    Collections would not confirm our requests to check with Cap 1..Cap 1 started transfering our calls directly to collections.Catch 22.
    After much hassle we found "investagative solutions".They were a real and "ENGLISH" speaking
    department that agreed that there was reason to examine our accounts. (4)This has been 6 months of waiting and still getting some collection calls on 1 account.
    Cap 1 I.S. tell us they have called off "The dogs" and are not supposed to be any collections during the audit. we have sent three notices to the collection company to quit calling and The collection company refuses to listen about I.S..and wont even acknowledge that there is such a department of Cap !. ??
    Any insight or insider info would help understand
    this delima..Our cr are in shambles and we cant start untill this plays out!We are waiting for their "audit"
    Maybe the rest of the story will help.
    We contacted Investagative solutions after our account was grossly mishandled.They appear to be "old school"
    customer service and they "listen" and then AUDIT your account.. We were told it takes a lot of time to revue your account .at least we are on the right track,.We have had success in all of our other cards
    in getting this service under different names but still to Audit and correct the mishandling.I should back up here
    for a minute.We had first one account slip into unwarranted collection then because we were in "collection" others as well went into collection.It was very fustrating to get the card companys to listen to the facts..Customer non service ,Phone maze,rude personell...
    PLEASE just revue our accounts to check it out. We have been fighting this for nearly two years.We have had all but two accounts re-instated and both of these are under revue.
    The experts we contacted all felt that there is a "clearing house" that services accounts for hire overseas .The problem is they
    get your ss# and then start grabbing other accounts that have nothing wrong with them..Sound perposterous?
    Concider this ...Who's going to stop them? After we started having card problems erode into nearly every credit account we have not just our cards .It appears that far more companys
    are often checking our reports than we ever imagined.
    Many we contacted after an collection attempt would say your account is fine and We have heard from other customers with this same story and we WILL MAKE SURE that you dont end up in collection!
    After all the hassle from this and the inability to get
    any real help..(Thank you congress)..... there will not be any national cards in our wallets.
    Any one with any input would really help. ANY ONE?

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