Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone get

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Feb 8, 2002.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    In response to my E-mail, Cap One has informed me that even though I have a $10K 9.9% fixed Platinum card, I can go right ahead and apply for the new "No Hassle" card. This does not mean that I will receive the card but they said there is nothing to preclude me from having both cards.

    Has anyone received the "No Hassle" card with that excellent 8.9% fixed apr. ??? If so, what other Cap 1 products do you have if any?

    BTW - I am on the credit wagon, however my Nextcard and Providian cards do not appear as desirable as in the past. LOL

    As a separate matter, I plan to request a reduction to 8.9% on my Platinum card per marci's comments.

    Best regards,

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Jim, make sure you wait at least 45 days. They have been jerking my dh around good (okay..maybe my hubby should read the fine print, etc.) lately. He applied online for the Plat Card and was offered another Gold. He got mad and turned it down because he's been a good customer for years with no lates, ovelimits or anything. Then he got a guaranteed Plat offer...sent it in and they turned him down because it had been less than 45 since he applied. He waited 45 days and they turned him down again from online for having too many inquiries, etc!

  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    As I posted ealier, you can get the "no hassle" 8.9% across the board by PFB on your old Platinum card. But if you get a NEW "no hassle" card, that comes with a 0% intro apr for 6(?) months.

    So, you could apply for a new one, put a BT on it, and then merge your old old into the new one. I think the Con. Advocate can even fix it that you retain your old account history.
  4. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Thank you both for your responses.

    Cap 1 said something about possibly contacting them for "card selection assistance" at the same time they said to go right ahead and apply for the "No Hassle" card. LOL


    Your strategy is very appropriate.

    Best regards to both of you,

  5. King

    King Well-Known Member

    My BK is from 1997. What card can I qualify for. I already have have Cap 1 Gold 2000 limit, bad interest. I have 3 experian inquiries and 5 cards.
  6. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I have 2 of them now and my other card is also at 8.9. It's easy to get the Platinum to No Hassle. Just ask the exec dept. It'll take 5 minutes.

    The main benefit of it is the 8.9 across the board. Make sure to ask that it goes across all 3 buckets :) It does.

    Also, apply for another card and if you don't get it how you want it then pfb it... they can both raise the rates and give you no hassle. and yes, you'll get an intro 0 percent.

    You might even be able to request the 0 percent on your current card if you want to balance transfer to Cap1... I don't know.

    But I wouldn't combine them I'd just apply for another card. I have 3 and you can work the lines up faster with 2 or 3 cards. Of course, with your credit better you'll likely get good credit lines anyway.

    Have fun
  7. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    I would like to know what it takes to get this on a current card. I have *begged* the PFB source to give me 0% for 6 months - but "it's not available on my account". At least two other people on CreditNet have gotten this for current accounts, so I don't know what gives.

    Maybe my profitability score is really low....
  8. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    I spoke to the Capital One rep and an account manager yesterday regarding the "No Hassle" card and the latest info on credit limit increases. Please keep in mind that these people are not the Executive office that Marie referred to.

    First I was told that the "No Hassle" cards are being primarily given out by invitation only. This makes sense knowing Capital One. You know 38 million accounts - mostly damaged credit. I decided not to apply for the card. In my opinion, a PF letter to the Ecec office would probably get me the 8.9% apr. across the board on my Platinum card and I do not want a second Cap One account. I may send the PF letter later on.

    Second, automatic credit increases up to $2K are available at 8 month intervals. Depends on income etc. In addition, if you BT money to Cap One at any time, consideration will be given for an additional credit limit increase regardless of the 8 month time interval.

    Where does this leave me - I just contacted 2 credit unions that I have established a lot of credit with since my BK. They indicated that I am an easy approval for higher limits on credit card ( 11.9% fixed apr. ) and LOC ( 10.7% fixed apr. ). However hard inquires are required.

    I have plenty of credit. My goal here is to replace my Providian, GM card and possibly Nextcard accounts with an equal amount of higher quality credit that shows on my credit reports during the next couple of months. Also, I want to reduce the total number of my open accounts.

    So I am preparing for a PF letter to Cap One requesting 8.9% apr., 2 apps for CU credit limit increases and the closure of 2 or 3 accounts that are aging past the 1 year anniversery.

    Best regards,

  9. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    I hope it works for you, Jim.

    And thank you for the info re cl increase considerations based on balance transfers. I didn't know that Capital One did that.
  10. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Hi Marci,

    The Account Manager informed me about the B/T related credit limit increases. It appeared to me that the reps may not even know this. She even stated as an example that a $5K BT could result in a $5K limit increase.

    I only owe about $2K or less at any one time on the sum of all of my revolving credit accounts. Therefore, I have a lot of available unused credit. Cap One is not a good place for me to replace the credit I want to get rid of - Providian, GM card and maybe Nextcard. the credit unions are a good place for me despite the 2 upcoming hard inquiries.

    BTW Marci - Thank you for all of your posts to me over the past year or more. They have been very helpful.

  11. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Don't bother to apply for No Hassle 8.9% fixed APR and they always give you subprime terms or denied you even you have a good credit history. They give you stupid reason to denied your application. Don't waste any more inquiry and save it for apply something. It's not worth it.

  12. King

    King Well-Known Member

    I applied and got a 1500 card at 14.9 interest. Kind of like bait and switch but it is ok for me. My credit is not the best but this is my 6th card I have. Last month when I came here, I had 2 cards. one of my other cards is a 2000 Cap 1 so now I have 3500 total.
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone

    Question for Jim: What's wrong with the GM Card? I thought it was prime. (Actually I know nothing about the card.) Thanks in advance,

  14. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone


    They haven't increased my credit limit for GM Card after a year.

  15. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone

    Hi Doc!

    The GM card is the "prime card" from Household. I got it with a 5% rewards program applicable to the purchase of any GM vehicle. The card also had a teaser rate of 2.9% apr. for 6 months and a fixed 15.9% rate.

    However, the card only came with a $1,500 credit limit. I have had the card for 10 months and requested an increase twice (No inquiry). I was denied both times. At this point an open account with this low credit limit looks bad on my credit reports.

    If you buy GM products - I don't - This is a great card to use and pay off every month. Then apply the rewards on your next vehicle purchase.

  16. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone

    Jeep has a rewards card just like the GM, but nowhere on the application does it say what bank it's from. Anyone know?

  17. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone


    Hello there. Thought I'd chime in here while you were talking about the GM Card. I, too, have the GM Card and have a crappy $1500 limit which they have yet to raise. They tell me I have to wait a year to get it increased unless I authorize them to pull a hard inquiry. I said "no, thanks" and promptly shelved the card. Jerks. Doubt I'll keep their card, it's not that good. Especially with a junky $1500 limit.

    I am much more pleased with Cap One and their Executive Offices. I receive excellent service and great credit limit increases. I'll probably always keep a Cap One card due just to those factors. I am hoping to upgrade my Cap One Silver account to a Miles One Platinum in the next couple of months. But I'd also like to get the No Hassle card as well, if possible.

    Anyways, thought I'd say hello. Take care, and good luck.

  18. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone


    I have GM Card with $1500 credit limit and I requested limit increase last year. They denied me not enough account history and they pulled hard inquiry on my Equifax report. Now I have the account for a year and no increase so far. I'm thinking to dump the card beside I don't buy GM Card and they got rid of other benefits last Dec.

  19. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone

    Hi chriscraft !!

    One additional factor I like about my Platinum card is that it includes $250K free air travel insurance when you charge your airline ticket with the card. Also, the Platinum card has free "secondary" auto insurance when you charge a rental car.

    I never really checked out the Miles One Platinum but there are people here on the board who feel that it is the best Capital One product. I presume that it has the features available on my card + the miles. Good luck applying for the card.

    Best regards,

  20. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone

    Howdy, Jim!

    Yes, the Cap One Platinum level cards are nice, and the Miles One card seems to be one their best. I am very confident that I will get upgraded to that card in a month or so when I call the Exec Offices back. I love my Cap One card, and especially my "rep" in the Exec Offices who services my card. He is awesome. I'll probably always have one of their cards in my wallet due just to him.

    Anyways, it's nice to hear from you. Take care!


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