Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone All.. but ATT.. to Marci.. Can I .. Should I.. call or PFB Capital One and request that our current Cap Card.. classic green 4K limit .. balance 37.00 ( hubby new shoes for funeral) be transfered to the No Hassle card and get the 0% for six months. I was thinking of returning a state farm preselected offer for 2.9% for 6.. but would like to get a new 0% if I could. The balance I will be needing to transfer is 1875 @2.9 that will expired on April 26th. If I do PFB.. should I be careful on how much info I put in the email? Cherie
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone Cap One is a rip off. The 'No Hassle' card is nothing more than a bait-and-switch deal. I have excellent credit -- all three are now over 700 risk scores. I have a $270K home oweing $234K. I have several Platinum/Gold cards w/ $10K or $9K limits, with maybe a total of $600 combined debt on all of them. I have a $69K boat loan. I have once lease vehicle left, just paying off one truck loan and one other lease within the last few months. I have a boatload of old, paid off, never been late cards, installment loans, mortgages, etc. I only have two negatives -- both are collection accounts that are 6.5 years and 6.9 years old (one comes off in a month, one in about 6 months. Both were paid a long time ago, and were only for $58 and $72. I applied for the Cap One No Hassle, and they turned me down. Reasons were stupid - (1) combined amount of collections ever owed to high ($130 is too high??); (2) too many inquiries (6 or 7); (3) lack of balance transfer (what a joke! I *must* go immediately into debt with Cap One in order to get a card with them?) (4) balances on revolving credit too high (I have $30,000 in limits and $600 in debt on them ?!?!). I PFB'd them, and cheesy Mr. Cooke calls me and offers some shitting Gold card w/ $1000 limit, $59 annual fee and somewhere around 14% interest rate. I told him 'no, I don't need that crappy card, I have three other Platinum & Gold cards". Two weeks later, the crappy Gold card shows up in my mailbox, after I told him NO. I never called to activate it and just cut it up and tossed it. Two weeks later, I get a statement from them for this account with a $59 balance for the annual fee! What a joke. I called them & told them to get rid of everything, and even told them that they'd be sued if any of it (other than the original inquiry for the Plat card) showed up on my credit reports. They were gonna have a trade line added for one month, then show it closed. I had to explain to the CS person on the phone that the average age of my revolving accounts would take a major hit for THIER mistake. If/when I see anything on there, I will blow a fuse. Stay away from Cap One - they are nothing but a bunch of rip-off artists.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone Hey, John, you know I love you (and your great web site), but I can't see how anything you wrote here could possibly constitute a "rip-off." Maybe they misjudged your financial abilities. Maybe Mr. Cooke punched the wrong keyboard button as he thanked you and said goodbye. Maybe they're inept. But "rip-off"? Doc
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone In my humble opinion, the "No Hassle" card advertising is close to bait and switch as it is really intended for customers with perfect credit but Capital One does not come right out and say that unless you call them on the telephone and ask as I did. Most of us here on the board (myself included) have had some severe credit difficulties. We do not represent the customer profile Capital One is looking for when approving this card. In all honesty, if I applied and Capital One pulled EQ or TU they would find 2 derogatories on each report. I would expect to get offered a lesser card. Probably, like the $3,300 11.9% apr. card I voluntarily closed last year when the Exec.Office gave me back my Platinum card. Or maybe something worse.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone I have "PERFECT" credit, but I'm NOT going to apply because I would get denied again!!! I've been denied more than once, even "PRE-APPROVED" cards from CAPITAL ONE...
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone I called Cap 1 yesterday. They let me know to call back for a limit increase on my original card in 2 months and on my new card in 8. Even though the hassle card is a hassle to get, I am pleased that I am at a total of 3500 limit and on my way to a platinum card.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone I just found out that Cap 1 checked my credit on at least 2 of the 3 agencies. I am not sure about TransUnion. They may have pulled all 3.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone I told the S.O.B. that I did NOT want them to send me the "Gold" card, after "declining" me on the No-Hassle card. I have great credit, one single derog CA that was paid 6.5 years ago. I have Platinum/Gold cards with $10,000 credit limits each, with zippo charged on them. I have a $260,000 home with $230,000 owed, a $121,000 boat loan and make over 6 figures a year. Low and behold, here comes this shitty "Gold" card that I declined, along with a bill for $59 -- the annual fee! I had to spend my time and money to call them BACK to have them cancel the crap. When I say "No", I don't mean "well, send it and maybe I'll change my mind and keep your crappy card, pay high rates, pay annual fees and .... "
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone Well close to it. I asked for a limit increase after 2 years with them on a classic card No deal he said. I just had an increase 3 month ago. (only one in 2 years) O.K. I can respect their reasoning but then I was approved for a toy platinum the next day, complete with $59.00 annual fee and a $500 limit. They want to give me 3 cards with annual fees but not one card with a reasonable limit, like 3 k. I need them now but in 3 months I won't and I can't wait to drop all 3 accounts on the phone with their exec. office all at once. I don't care if my score gets hit. It borders on extortion.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone WOW what a lot of debt, can you afford all this debt? Or are u struggling to get rid of it?
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone My CAPITAL ONE "GOLD" GARBAGE they try to pawn off on me is $72.00/year...$325-$3,250 credit limit... My LOWEST VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVERCARD CREDIT LIMIT IS $5,000!!!! They ONLY other card I have is WAL*MART store card...($2,425)...the guy said I have the HIGHEST credit limit he has ever seen...BUT IT IS STILL MY LOWEST... $325 IS SUB-SUB "TOY"...
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone I got my Cap 1 card in the mail. I am happy with the limit and interest even though they sure aren't as advertised. What I don't understand is why they had to put an inquiry on all 3 credit reports. 1 or even 2 inquiries I could understand but all 3? I'll chauk it up as the cost of rebuilding credit.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone jshimmer It's not very hard to understand why they gave you the offer they did. It costs Cap One upwards of $100 per year to service an account. You have all these other cards, you are 1) not going to carry a balance, 2) not transferring balances, 3) not likely to be charging a lot and paying it back quickly. How are they going to make money off you? Answer? Charge you a membership fee. Now I'm sure you still dont 'get' it. This has nothing to do with your creditworthiness. Why did you even bother to apply in the first place you don't need it, the fault lies in you for applying. Cap One Rocks!
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone Why does every single post you make have to condescending and rude?
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone How do you know that? Not saying it's wrong, but just wondering where that figure was derived from. Ozzy.
Re: Cap 1 "No Hassle" card - Anyone In the talk here about the Hassle card, I always keep in mind that despite all the bitching I am getting close to combining cards to get a platinum card and that desirable 8.9 interest. The wife and I need to buy some items within the next year. The goal is to buy 5k worth of stuff when my limit reaches a little closer to 5k. A 5k limit will then show. Even though I am pissed about the 3 inquiries. Beggars can't be choosers and I did BK 5 years ago.