Found this link and on page three you can find info on what FICO score CAP ONE will use as a guideline to categorize subprime accounts.
JR, Thanks for posting that information. It certainly made for interesting reading. People with FICO scores below 660 should be put on notice that they are considered subprime by Capital One. Sean
I was just approved for a Cap1 plat two days ago. I know my scores are in the low 600's (I think about 630 EX, which they pulled). So now I know I am considered subprime, what will this mean to me? My card was approved for 0% until 1/03 when it then goes up to 14.5% I think (but hopefully with a PFB that won't go that high). Does this mean I shouldn't bother to activate the card?
I dont know what the limit is, I was told I would find out when the card arrives, but it sounds like the same card Mindcrime referred to, it does have a $59 AF. I don't think it is prime since it is not the "no hassle" card.