Cap One denial :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gib, Apr 14, 2002.

  1. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Applied online for cap one no hassle card and got turned down. They offered a worse deal than I have now. Currently have the platinum with $39 annual fee.
    They pulled equifax. My EQ score is now 698, and they offered up to 5K with $59 annual fee. What a crock.

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    They just turned me down as well. The scenario is...I currently hold four Cap 1 cards. The KMart card, a platinum mastercard, a gold visa and a gold mastercard. (Well, actually I just combined my gold mastercard onto my gold now I have three.) At any rate...the offer I sent off for was another guaranteed platinum Mastercard. Under the terms, it gave all the things that made it being over 18, not applying within 45, blah, blah, blah. I qualified for the guaranteed status, but they turned me down because "you already have an account with us". Huh????

    So anyway...I send of a letter with a copy of the terms and tell them that did not appear to be on the list of things needed to have the guaranteed approval. I was talking to Saint Cooke about another matter, so I just mentioned this to him in passing. He told me you can't have two of the same product. Like two gold mastercards, or two platinum mastercards, etc. I do understand that might get confusing, but feel they should have stated that in the terms.

    Soooooo, my beef is I now have three inquiries (one to each CRA) from this one application for a GUARANTEED card and no card to show for it. I love Capital One, but am undecided if I want to push the envelope. Any thoughts?

  3. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    I would have tried getting my platinum upgraded, but just recently got a CL increase and combined gold with platinum. Guess I'll just have to wait a while. Scores have increased greatly recently, so I thought I'd have a good shot it.

  4. tlcampbe

    tlcampbe Well-Known Member

    That is not true about not being able to have two of the same product unless they changed their policy in the last 5 months or so. I have 2 - Cap One Gold Visa
  5. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. i just recieved a toy Platinum Visa in
    January and have the toy MC Platinum on the way.
  6. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    I have two of the exact same CAP1 card, just got the second one about a moth ago... Doesn't seem like a real reason to me.
  7. tzank

    tzank Well-Known Member

    Doesn't Capital One have a limit of three accounts of any type?

  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Well now...that's mighty interesting. It will be even more interesting to see how they respond to my

    Tim...they must not have a limit of three, because I already have four. Don't really need anymore, but since the plan is to combine all of the CLs at some point, I thought what the has the 0% until Sept. and then a pretty good go to rate (at least for me).

    Cap One has been so good to me I really hate to mess with them, but it irks me that they say one thing and then don't follow through on it. If they say you are guaranteed to get the card unless you fall into four or five exceptions, then you should get the card if you don't fall into those exceptions. Heck...I wouldn't have bothered with the inquiry if they had just said that in the first place.


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