Cap One - pay charge off to remove charge off?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Surcease, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. Surcease

    Surcease New Member

    Does anyone have any experience with Cap One? I want them to completely remove the charge off (2004) from my credit report. A law firm called "Rubin & Rothman" has the account (if you've had a charge off from Cap one, maybe you dealt with this firm also). How much would I have to pay, or do they just not ever remove charge offs at all?
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    If Cap1 has already labeled your account a "Charge Off", then it is VERY unlikely you will get them to remove the negative. Your best bet is to minimize the damage by paying off the law firm/collection agency to prevent a SECOND negative tradeline on your reports.

    Cap1 is very difficult to work with regarding negatives on CRs, they typically do not budge on what they report to the CRAs.

    It is worth a try to negotiate with them, but keep in mind that it has a very low chance of success. Again, you best move at this point, is to pay off the collection agency to prevent them from reporting also. You do not want one card to cause two strong negative tradelines on your reports.

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