Capital One just put inq. on all my reports?! Is it because i asked for a cl increase or are they just now processing my platinum app. i put in over 3 months ago? what the heck is going on over there?
The almost always pull all three when you apply and they also do account reviews on all three. It bites, but what can you do? L
it must me for the platinum app. because they only AR my equifax. but why did it take them 3 months to process? OT-- L, do you live upstate or in the CITY?
DISPUTE THEM..."I did not apply for another credit card, I already have one"...SEE WHAT HAPPENS...I have had CRA'S REMOVE THEM...
I'm upstate transplanted from the city (well not really as I didn't live there that long, but hubby was born and raised in Brooklyn so that makes me a transplant by marriage? lol) I've noticed that often when you dispute a CapOne inquiry as being an account review, they will move it to account review rather than leave it as a hard inquiry. All three CRAs have done this for me at one time or another. L
what part of Brooklyn is he from? i'm from flatbush originally. Have you been back to visit lately? Manhattan is like DisneyWorld now, and they have really cleaned up those great brownstones in Bklyn!
Uh, uh...I never can We lived on Staten Island before moving up here. We both worked in Manhattan (him for 24 years). I haven't been back in a while(since time before last time Eric Clapton was last at MSG), but my hubby goes back regularly to see his daughter (and go to He's going to see the Stones again in January at MSG, so that will be the next time he will be there. I'm going off on a tangent now, but the Stones were PHENOMENAL in Toronto a few weeks ago!!! We had seats that were 19 rows back, center stage. The ramp going to the small stage was right beside us and hubby and I both got high fives from Keith Richards as he went past. Who can believe guys in their 60's could be that good!!!! L
You're talking about the neighborhood right? It's a lot more "mixed" these days but it's still predominantly Italian.
Feels like an old reunion. I'm from Borough Hall. Went to St. Charles Elementry in Brooklyn Heights. And my Dad bought a 1974 Dodge Dart at Bay Ridge Dodge.
Hey........ my DH grew up in Brooklyn. Graduated from Sheepshead Bay HS. We'll probably be heading back up there in Feb. or so, for a visit with the in-laws.
I just called and asked He's from Boro Park and went to school at FDR. He went to Brooklyn College at Flatbush Ave. and Avenue H and used to live Mill Basin for a while. Guess we kinda got off the topic, huh? LOL L
i think the next Creditnet Vacation should be in NYC! we can all meet and go down to AC (atlantic city for those who aren't from there) or vice versa. whaddya think?
Brooklyn... A nice place to visit Borough President Marty Golden used the slogan "Brooklyn... a nice good place to visit, a GREAT place to live!"... I live in brooklyn, and since we got Fat Marty Moskowitz as boro president, it was changed to "brooklyn.. The name says it all". i like em both. I ilive in boro park, lived in midwood until i got married 2 years ago.... now I live on 14th avenue, in the heart of "little jerusalem" Nestea<>klunk
Re: Brooklyn... A nice place to visit what's rent going for nowadays in Boro Park? I remember "welcome back carter" "Brooklyn, the third largest city in the US."