Cap One update

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by author_22, Sep 6, 2001.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    Now, Steph, I think it's worth adding that your example is VERY DIFFERENT from Shawn's example.

    In your case, your Dad didn't add you as an authorized user in order to spite you or cause you any trouble. Nor did he add you as an authorized user in order to charge things in your name. The $200 to $300 he owed (a small amount, as others have pointed out) was charged by him on his primary card.

    The woman in Shawn's example, by contrast, wasn't even using an "authorized user" card. She actually filled out applications for primary accounts in somebody else's name. Then she rang up $80,000-plus in charges with no intention of ever paying just to spite the ex-husband.

    What a world of difference.

    Again, parents add children all the time as authorized users without permission in order to provide both convenience and a source of emergency funds. Likewise, husbands (and wives) designate their spouses as authorized users without asking first every single day. In fact, the credit card companies don't require that permission be granted; no signatures are even required. Bottom line is that the primary cardholder is responsible for all charges to that account, and additional card holders are added upon request.

    Your dad is certainly not going to jail because adding you as an authorized user sans permission/signature/etc. isn't a crime. Stop worrying NOW, lol.
  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    WTF???? :-O

    THAT'S IT?????? Talk about a travesty!
  3. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    Well I talked to Mr. Cooke about 8:30 Thursday, and it's 10 a.m. on Monday. How long does it usually take for him to respond? i'm dying to know if I get a card/or cards and if this mess gets deleted, and if my father is legally OK.

  4. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    just call him back.. i did that. Matter of fact last time i just called out of the blue.

    he was like "What was this in reference to?"

    i said "I was calling about the planet(ahem)feed(ahem)back letter.." in a muffled tone.

    You DONT HAVE TO WRITE A PFB to call up executive offices. I guarantee you.
  5. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    I didn't have a PFB letter when I called but they were very interested in how I acquired the number. I'm sure if everybody calls Cooke/Miller as their first attempt and it gets abused, policies will change.

  6. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    I agree. We all know that this board isn't that hard to find.

    I think we should use PF and then wait for Cooke/Miller to call. I for one would hate to see future/current members suffer because the number got handed out and suspicions arose.

  7. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    Mr. cooke called my house, then e-mailed me today...he is so nice....I asked him for a higher initial credit limit...BUT, he wanted to look at my file again...another inquiry....I said "No thanks"...he said well, give it 6 months and I will be happy to see what we can do then....he understood why I didn't want another, I guess in 6 months I will get what I want...he is a nice guy though.... :)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    So CAPITAL ONE is pulling a "CITIBANK" on you???
  9. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Re: Another Question

    Yep...there were 2......I disputed one because the other one was the only one I authorized...and I got the card...noted that on the dispute too...he wanted another hard inquiry and I told him that I will just use it and pay it off every month to PROVE that I'm worthy of more $$$$$...but still, he was a very nice guy :)

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