Cap1 denial + PFB = $7500

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Om, Jun 21, 2002.

  1. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member


    I am going to make certain I am understanding you correctly. The regular and/or no hassle variety Plat cards can now go to 7.99 fixed...

    have you requested and gotten that fixed rate from the exec dept? if so, how recently?

    I just asked them for a line increase so I don't want to call again unless I'm sure it can be done ;)

  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    I saw an internet ad for the "no hassle" at 7.9% across the board. Having just gotten 8.9% a couple of weeks before seeing the ad, I was too embarrased to call back and request 7.9%.

    I don't want to wear the exec. office out. :)

    So, I'm still at 8.9%. I don't know what to tell you re requesting the rate, as I only saw that ad once and I wonder if they are no longer offering it. Rates are probably inching back up as it is.

    It never hurts to ask for a rate increase. I have found that the exec. office treats rate requests and cl increase requests differently. Receiving one does not preclude you from receiving the other.

    Hope this helps,

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