Has anyone accepted a capital one gold upgrade? How long did it take to get the card after you accepted the upgrade offer? I ask b/c I sent in my card to upgrade my classic card to gold with a $500 creditline increase earlier this month. But they sent me another offer in the mail today? That's strange I think. I am talking about UPGRADES TO GOLD.... roni
Re: Cap One Gold Upgrade Probably a case of mailing list lag, which occurs because Cap One sends out offers so frequently. If they waited 3 months between offers, this problem wouldn't exist.
Re: Cap One Gold Upgrade When my wife called last week to inquiry about a bogus charge on her account, the cs tried to upgrade her to Gold. Before I could prod my wife into asking questions, she was transfered to the dispute department and never really got the chance to speak again with the first cs. What's the difference between the classic and the Gold from Cap 1? Best regards, Sam
Re: Cap One Gold Upgrade It took me three weeks. The increased credit limit was available about two weeks before the actual card came. Re duplicate mailings, I just got a duplicate "increase your credit line for a $39 fee" yesterday. I got one in February, and took it. I plan on taking this one again as well. Marci