My husband and I were recently approved for Cap1 cards. (each got our own pre-approved offer) and I have the wonderful $200 limit. We aren't sure what his lmit will be.. I suspect $200 as well. I already called Cap1 and asked about upping dice! Has anone successfully upped the limit before their '3 month review'? If so, how?
Call rentention at 1-800-889-9939 and say that you really want this card and want to start a frutiful business relationship with Cap One, but the limit is too constraining for your needs, especially in comparison to your other cards. If you get a good rep, they should up the limit to $500, but I doubt it would go higher than that. Marci
$200??? YOU HAVE A JOB RIGHT??? Back not to long ago they would give $500 credit line to people who had NO JOB!!!! When I got a $500 limit card...LOWEST CREDIT LINE WAS $5,000!!! I tried to cut it up in 500 pieces and sent it back!!! Tell them sometimes you charge $200 in one they expect you to make payments every day????