Cap1/Mr Cooke Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by romanduv, Sep 13, 2001.

  1. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member


    I spoke to Mr. Cooke over a week ago, and he agreed to improve the terms of my Cap 1 card. He returned my annual fee the same day, but I have yet to see any changes in my credit limit, or the return of my security deposit (which he agreed to do).

    Does anyone know how long it should take? Should I try to contact him again ?

  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    It should have taken only two days to go into effect. I'd call him back.
  3. Nia

    Nia Well-Known Member

    I agree..check back with him. It only took 2 days for mine to go through.
  4. brad

    brad Well-Known Member

    Roman,it could take up to two months to get your security deposit back.
  5. Zaphod

    Zaphod Well-Known Member

    Roman, the previous posts were correct, 60 days for security deposit, and two business days for the CL increase...

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