I am very skeptical. I don't feel worthy of a Platinum Guaranteed approval, even at 19.8% & $59/yr. I applied since I need another card to build positives... but is it REALLY guaranteed? No where does it say it's not -- believe me, I scoured it. I've had the classic card since june & perfect pay history. It says "You've earned it!" Have I really? Anyone get denied for a guaranteed approval? CAN they deny me? I'm going to kick my own butt if I get another inquiry for nothing!
It's hard to say what they will do, If you get it will be about 500. If they tell you No go to planetfeed back and see if Mr crookie will help you out,they gave my brother a card and he pays his bills late .I think they gave him 150 to 300 limit.
My Plat offer received today was up to $7500 at 14.9% @ $39 a year, so the difference between my offer and yours tells us something about how they are judging us. They have already scored you. Chirrup.
Mine from Thursday or Friday of last week was 0.0% through 8-02 and then 14.9% at $59 per year. Looks like they have a lot of different offers. I said in another post that Cap 1 kept raising my limits for fee...I was wrong...that was Providian. Cap 1 didn't charge I don't believe. Just wanted to correct that.
I go that card last week. Similar offer. My scores were a bit higher , 575 or so. I got $500.00 limit and PFB'd Mr. Cooke. No limit increase as he had my report that they pulled and gave me a bunch of mumbo jumbo vague excuses. I had asked for a $2000.00 limit as I couldn't really justify a Platinum card that was lower than my classic. So after my report is clean, I'll go for the limit increase and if not I'll drop it.
They pulled Experian on me for this offer. Score was 619, approved with $1k limit, $39 annual fee, 14.9%. As for whether or not it's "guaranteed", I spoke with the customer service reps about it, and based on what they told me I believe you are almost assuredly going to get a card with at least a $500 credit line if you apply. However, it is not 100%. The fact that they sent it to you means that want to give you the card--provided nothing has shown up on your credit report (like say, a collection or bankruptcy or something) since the last time they did an AR, you should be fine. -- cnswift
To Qualify for Guaranteed Approval Status, an applicant must: 1) Be at least 18 years of age and a US citizen or permanent resident alien 2) reside in the continental US, Hawaii, or Alaska (offer is void in Guam, Puerto Rico, the US virgin islands and all other US dependent areas); 3) return an accurately completed and verifiable appication prior to the expiration date; 4) not have changed his/her name or mailing address on the application nor applied (or been approved) for any other credit card issued by Cap1 within the last 45 days. I meet all that criteria. I called the # w/ my info and it said "within 15 days" I would receive something.
Well guess what! I got ANOTHER "guaranteed approval" letter from them in the mail today - same terms. Thanks all who've responded - I still have another ? though - Anyone who also got "guaranteed approval" actually get declined & what for?
Doodyhead, you can call 1-800-548-4593 and get results! When they ask for SS# misenter it a few times till you get a live person and ask what they gave you. we are waiting for the results!!
Mine was approved for $2000 My Eloan score is near 700. No negatives on my reports other than high balance to limit. I actually have no need for it at all which of course is why I got it. I just want to get rid of the Classic card which I hate as it has no benefits. They told me I'd have to wait 6 months to combine the Classic with the new Plat I dunno if that is so.