CAP1 Push High Limit for Score?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jdtsp, Jul 28, 2005.

  1. jdtsp

    jdtsp Member

    So I think we all know that CAP1 doesn't report credit scores. I found out when my score got docked from the yearly fee of $39. Well, the card is in that 6 month 0% APR zone right now and I put some charges on it from a couple trips I went on. Now, the high limit was at $850 and I've paid some of it down (I'm gonna use that 0% APR while I got it). So, does the HL work like the CL then or do I just have to pay off the card everytime? What's the best way to manage this card before I cancel it after the 6 months?
  2. jdtsp

    jdtsp Member

    I found that raising my high limit and then paying a portion down did raise my score. I've updated my sig line (08/05 is for the report I got today).

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