Capital 1 offers after closing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MikeG, Mar 13, 2001.

  1. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    OK, I just closed one of my capital one cards. Capital is slicker than a can of oil. They tell you what you want to hear to keep the account open another month and then you call and nothing. Man I can wait until this summer. I have made all of payments on time. I now have a mortgage on my credit. I hope to go closer to prime by then.

    I remember reading that you get a better offer from capital one after you have closed an account. Anybody find this to be true?

    Mike G.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Capital 1 offers after clo

    I don't know about CAPITAL ONE, but MBNA AMERICA reduced the interest rate ONLY after I reopend it!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Capital 1 offers after clo

    MBNA AMERICA said they NEVER give promo offers to closed accounts...
  4. rick

    rick Well-Known Member

    Re: Capital 1 offers after clo

    Cap 1 gave me an unsecured platinum card while my BK7 was on my report. I applied through a link on PriceLine (they added $50 to my bid). I didn't think Cap1 would bite, and I would get a free report, but 2 weeks later I got a Platinum in the mail with a $5000 unsecured limit. If you have a good pymt history with them in the past, they will approve you for an unsecured card. Now they keep sending me a pre-approval for Kmart, and their "puppies & kittens" Gold card with a easy monthly fee of only $7.49/month. I shed that trash!

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