Capital One - 30 & 60 Day Late

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mbeutler, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. mbeutler

    mbeutler Member

    In 2006 my wife had a 30 day followed directly by a 60 day late with Capital One. These are the only negative marks on her credit file other than one collection account for $64 that will disappear in 5 months.

    Any advice on how I can quickly help her remove the 30 & 60 day late negative marks? If not removed they will be on for another 6 years.
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    I don't mean to discourage you, but Cap1 is perhaps the hardest to deal with for these issues.

    But, nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I recommend that you call and ask for a "goodwill removal of these lates. The worst they can do is say "No". You may need to "stress" that you've been a great customer, and you don't want to move your accounts.

    Be open to a comprimise also, if they'll remove the 60 day late, that's huge. A thirty day late does not have a great impact on your credit score, a 60 day late though becomes "serious".

    If they do agree, make sure to document all the details, in case you need to do battle with the credit reporting agencies.

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