Capital One credit line increases

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jr, Jan 6, 2002.

  1. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I am trying to figure out what is the maximum amount of a credit line increase anyone has gotten on the phone automated credit line increase thru Capital One. I tried once on the phone and got $250, Mr Miller gave me $700 Is the max set at $300 over the phone?
  2. rutheena

    rutheena Active Member

    Just yesterday i got $500. It wasn't through an automated line though. I don't know if that makes a difference. i called to see if I could get my interest rate lowered and they did that as well, down to 0% until August. I didn't even ask for the was just given to me. Surprise, surprise!

    Obviously, alot depends on how long you have had the card, how well you pay and when your last increase was.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    My last one was $1,000.
  4. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Breeze, was that $1000 increase thru the phone automated system or a rep? If you got $1000 on the automated system I am shocked !!!!!!
  5. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I have this Kmart mastercard thru Capital One and I don't know which way to get the most increase on it. Should I go thru retention or the automated system. I prefer not to planetfeedback them because I have to do that next month on two other accounts I have with them that I will want them to combine. This Kmart card cannot be combined. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOUR CREDIT LIMIT...if you have a $500 limit and get $500 that's GREAT...if you have a limit or $10,000 and get $500 THAT IS AN INSULT!!!
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Capital One credit line increas

    George, what if you have a $2000 limit and you get a $400 increase -- insult or great?

  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    It was through the telephone automated system.

  9. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    300 automated
    2k supervisor w/balance transfer processed then
    3700 other
  10. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Thanks Breeze and all of you for your suggestions. I think I will try the automated phone for a line increase and keep you all posted on what the system gave me.
  11. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I have Kmart Mastercard from Capital One for over a year and i have been trying to get limit credit through phone system or customer service. They told me that you can request credit limit increase and they will review your account. They will increase credit limit if they see fit.

  12. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Tried the automated phone line for a credit limit. The system told me I could not get a line increase. My history has been spotless and My last increase was 6 months ago thru Mr Miller. I decided to planetfeedback and I will post my results.
  13. liesel

    liesel Active Member

    my husband got an automated increase of $1000 on the gold card, this was after having the account open 9 months with an original credit limit of $1500. we also went over our limit accidentally just the month before but paid it off in full 2 weeks before we got the increase.
  14. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I was just looking over the letter I received when I first got my Kmart mastercard back in September 2000 The letter states that I could get a credit line in as little as four months. That was a lie because at six months of having the card I called about an increase and was told by a rep I have to wait till my 1 year anniversary. I hate when credit card companies give you the run around. I will let you all know what I got thru PFB.
  15. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I got Kmart pre-select offer from the mail over a year ago and I initially approved for $3000. I haven't used it for two months and they increased my credit limit for $5500 without asking.After a year, I requested limit increase through the automated system and the phone system transfer me to customer service. They told me that I couldn't request credit limit increase. They will review my account from time to time and they will increase my limit. By the way, I don't really much care since the account has no annual fee and they didn't report credit limit to the credit bureaus. I used it for grocery and lunch and not too much each month. Just keep it account in active.


  16. rutheena

    rutheena Active Member

    Alot of times if you just ask to speak with a supervisor or manager, you get better results...they are authorized to give more right on the spot and it overrides the automated or any customer service rep increase.
  17. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    All in the same day:

    1. Do automated system
    2. talk w/cust service (don't expect a thing here)
    tell them it's unacceptable
    3. Speak with customer service supervisor

    if you have a good pay history, the supervisor has more power than they'll let on at first. Be persistent and have a reason for the increase (meeting other credit lines, balance transfer etc).

    If you're still not happy, IMMEDIATELY make a second Cap1 call.

    4. Tell them you've decided you want to close the account because of the poor line increases.. you'll get retention

    Talk with a rep. they'll only be able to give you what the computer says. no more.

    if still not happy

    5. Retention supervisor. They can do a great deal. You'll likely get a large increase here if anywhere.

    If still really unhappy

    6. Use planetfeedback. especially if you've never done it before. Do a line increase request first. Once that's been done, do a "by the way..." and ask for apr lowered/ annual fee waiver.

    It's that easy. You just have to keep escalating. Be irritated but very polite. I've found that I use humor a lot and it really works. They deal with grumpy people all day, so someone with a better attitude is a breath of fresh air.

    Have fun.

    You can request a line increase every 6 mos. I do.
  18. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice Marie. I have spoken to supervisors about a.p.r. reduction and there line is "what you got right now is the best we have to offer you. In the future, marketing sends out special promotions so keep an eye on the mailbox" I called last month about an apr reduction and retention said no because my current apr of 15.4% variable is pretty good according to the supervisor. Two weeks later I got some special balance transfer checks at 9.9% fixed till Aug 02, then 14.9 till it is paid off. I think calling retention triggers the marketing department to send you offers.
  19. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Update on PFB. I fired off a letter to PFB yesterday and today got a call and a e-mail from the executive offices to call Mr Cooke. I called him and explained to him that on my Kmart mastercard I was not given a line increase. He checked my account and gave me $500 increase and I also asked if he would give me a lower a.p.r. , I was at 15.4% variable and he gave me 12.9% fixed. I thanked him very much and asked him while I had him on the phone if he could give me an increase on my gold visa since that one was due for an increase. He took a look at the account and gave me $500 increase on the gold card. I also reminded him that I have been a Capital One cardholder for over 3 years with excellent payment history, never late or never over my limit. I explained to him that I want to build a strong relationship with Capital One and that I appreciate doing business with Capital One. He thanked me for being a customer and told me to call him if I had anymore problems with my accounts. I have vowed to keep at least one Cap One card in my wallet after I reach prime because this company is the only one that has rewarded me with lower apr's, gold card upgrades, no annual fee cards and nice credit line increases. The key is to keep your accounts in good standing. Thank you all for your feedback.

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