Capital One not reporting limit- recourse?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fxskier, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. fxskier

    fxskier Member

    So I signed up for Citi's CM service. Looks to be a good deal with 1st month free and $9.99 thereafter. I posted last week about my Equifax score of only 686- and the reason for that being my Cap 1 card was not being reported AT ALL. I checked all 3 reports and scores today. Here they are:

    EQ= 683
    EX= 739
    TU= 732

    Cap 1 is reporting to EX & TU, but not EQ. The rep told me last Fri she's send an acct. report to all 3 bureaus. Obviously, there's a big difference in scores (yeah, I know I need to get another credit card, and I'm going to soon!). I have an 8+ yr history w/ Cap 1 so their reporting is important.

    I called Cap 1 again today and the rep said they are reporting to all bureaus, so they are going to do a dispute with EQ since their reporting isn't showing.

    Question is: should I do a dispute with all 3 agencies, including copies of my most recent statement and the letter that came with my card a couple years back naming my limit? Even if Cap 1 doesn't report it, wouldn't the agencies be obligated to report that accurate info. if provided?

    Thanks again for any advice.
  2. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    I just got copies of all 3 reports (2 weeks ago), and my Cap 1 accounts are listed on all 3. I use MyFico monitoring (EQ) and Cap 1 has always reported something there (since my having this service since Jan, 06) Maybe EQ's dispute will be a good thing, to make that accurate.

    As for your question, I must leave that to the experts here. But I hope my info helped some.

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