Capital One question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by molly, Oct 22, 2000.

  1. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    I have had a Capital One card since Dec. 1998. I deposited $200 into my account and have only received one increase ($100) in July of this year. I know this is pathetic, but since I was just approved for Citibank I was wondering if I could get my card unsecured, or would I have to apply for a new card.
    I saw on their website that I can apply and find out in 60 seconds. Should I apply for the gold card? The limit is up to $2000. I don't want to close the capital one account bacause it is my oldest account but if I have to in order to get an unsecured card I will.
  2. Doug

    Doug Well-Known Member

    Your on a roll Molly, GO FOR IT!
  3. Saar

    Saar Banned

    molly wrote:
    "Dec. 1998 I deposited $200 into my account
    and have only received one increase ($100). I know this is pathetic"

    This isn't pathetic, honey. This is a crime.

    "I don't want to close the capital one account bacause it is my oldest account but if I have to in order to get an unsecured card I will."

    In a couple of months this tradeline would be 2 years old: A perfect time to close it. But you can apply for their gold right away. If your credit history is otherwise ok, I'd also try the Amex Blue - one of the best prime cards.

  4. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I started with a capital one secured card in 11/99 with a $200 deposit. I unsecured the card in 4/00 for a $99 fee and got a $200 increase. Since then in 8/00, I was approved for a classic card with a $2,000 limit. I am keeping the 11/99 account because of it is almost a year old and i am considering combining them. I really think you should apply for the card online. I didnot apply for the gold card. I was too chicken. But since both of us had luck with citibank and both have student loan on our reports I think your luck will be as good or better than mine. Oh, by the way, AMEX wont give me a green card. Go for the gold.
  5. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Well, I just applied for the "gold" card. I was instantly approved for a...drum roll please.....$200 limit. Well at least it's not secured and I wasn't denied. In January, I plan to close the secured account and apply the $200 deposit toward my Am Ex secured Optima card. I want to increase it from $200 10/00 to $2000 by 10/01. The gold card from Captial One limits range from $200 to $2000 incase you're wondering.
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Maybe you should keep the secured account and just ask them to combine them. They will still give you your $200 back. You have established a 2 year run with them and that will look good on your report. Why not go for even longer.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    (1980'S AND 90'S)... SILVER VISA/MASTERCARD WAS UP TO $5,000.00.
    GOLD WAS $5,000.00+.

    WHAT IS THIS "GOLD"...$200.00???


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